Part 5

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Sang's POV

Panicked, I do the only thing I can think of; I run. Whipping my body sideways, I sprint as fast as I can. I don't stop even as the branches and bushes cut my body as I run by. I quickly try and out run the footsteps that are following.

"Wait! Why are you running? I'm not going to hurt you!" His voice floats to me. I push my legs faster, sweat beading down my face as I dodge a tree standing in the path. After a couple minutes I start to slow, wondering how Nathan hasn't caught me yet.

I turn a sharp corner and notice a big bush up ahead the has a small opening. Diving in I franticly push the opening edges together to hide my spot. I hear footsteps round the same corner I just came around, and try to slow my breathing, scared he can hear it. The steps slow, and come to a stop.

"Hello? Why are you hiding?" Oh no. He will defiantly hear my heart pounding in my chest. I shift in the small place, trying not to make a sound. Will he find me? What will he od when it happens?

"Sh*t." He suddenly curses, making my flinch, hard. I hear a rustling outside, and peak through a tiny slit I made with my fingers. As I look out, Nathan pulls out his phone and types something in. Bringing the phone to his ear, he speaks into it.

"Kota??" WHAT? He knows Kota? That must mean he knows Victor as well. I am so dead. "Yeah I'm good."

There's a sound on the other side saying something. "No, my dads not back yet. But that's not what I called you for. I was jogging in the woods outside my house, when I came to this tree." He gets interrupted once again. After the person says something he sighs inwardly.

"No no no. Tell Gabriel that I didn't get in a fight with a tree again! Listen, seriously. So I came to this tree and I heard this sound, and looked up and saw this blonde girl right before she disappeared." So he did see me.

While I thought that, there was a pause, as if creating suspense. Then he begins again, "I called up to her a couple times, but got no response. And sh*t, I thought I was imagining things. So then I climbed up the tree. And I saw this beautiful girl, standing there. She looked so scared and broken, but so brave at the same time. Then I saw... I don't really know what the f*ck I saw. He knees, they were injured. They looked like they hurt like hell man. Her arm was scratched up too, but I think that was recent. I tried moving toward her but she flinched and nearly fell out of the tree." Nathan says, taking a deep breath at the end. "Then I tell her to come down the tree, then we would talk. I think I scared her when she got down though, 'cause she bolted. Ran fast and in-between trees that I couldn't. Damn, I lost her Kota. I lost her, and she's hurt, bad." He finally finishes, and waits to her what the person says on the other line.

How am I supposed to get out of this?

"Wait, you know her? Her name is Sang? Are you sure?" How did Kota know it was me? I have to stay away from them. I wish I didn't have to, they all were so kind to me.

"You met her, and didn't tell me? What happened?" He screams into the phone. Obviously distressed at what Kota says next, he runs his hair through his head.

"Yeah, just come and hurry. We need to find her. Anything could happen to her." After he said that, he hung up and say on a tree stump. Awhile later, Kota and a boy I've never seen before come running through the woods.

"Oy! Who's this girl I keep hearing about. Seems to me like she always in trouble!" The one with the crystal blue eyes and the beautiful hair says. Marching up to Nathan, he runs his hand through his brown hair that reaches his eyes. Brushing it back, it shows a couple of dyed blonde locks making his hair look different.

"We have to find her Kota. She was hurt badly, and she could get lost!" Nathan says to Kota who has just been standing there.

"I know. But she's a mystery."

"What the f*cking hell do you mean by that sh*t" The new boy says.

Giving him a disapproving look, Kota replies, "Max ran over a girl the other day and I took her inside to get cleaned up. She had many scars as well, but I didn't mention them. I asked her if she will stay the night cause it looked like she was running away... Next thing I know it's morning, and Victor jumps on her thinking its me. It was kinda awkward after that-" he gets interrupted.

"Wait one-f*cking minute! That sh*it head thought a pretty girl was you!! That's f*cking priceless." The unknown boy says, chuckling loudly.

"Can it Gabriel." Nathan says to get Kota to continue. The new boys name is Gabriel? Isn't that a girls name?

"Anyway, I ask her over for breakfast and she goes into the kitchen. Next thing I know, she's about ready to cry over something my mom said, and bolt out the door talking about how she would only hurt us, or stuff like that." Kota finishes and takes a deep breath. "She looked frightened..."

Oh god. So he did catch that. Nathan stand up and starts pacing the wood ground.

"Well, what are we going to do?" He asks looking to Kota for guidance. Why is he looking at him like that? Like some leader...?

"Victor is already doing background checks, I've been trying to walk by the house in hopes that Sang will see me and come out... So far, that's as much as we can do right now. We may have to wait till school starts. She said that she's going to be in the same grade and school."

"I still don't get it! How can one f*cking little girl can run from this dipsh*t that's the size of a tractor?!" Gabriel says all too loudly.

"She was skinnier, and was dodging the trees like a pro!" Nathan says in his defense.

"Okay, I doubt that she's still in the woods. Let's go home and talk this over with Victor, and maybe some of the others." Kota says taking control again.

As they walk away and I can no longer see them, I bolt. Quickly as I can, I reach my backyard and run inside the house. Quietly, I tiptoe up stairs and into my room, where I collapse and feel grateful I wasn't caught, by both my mother and the boys.

Tired from the early days activities, I slowly fall asleep, hoping for a peaceful nap.


Sorry that it's been awhile, I haven't been up to writing mood. Also sorry it's short. Do you guys think Sang will meet with them again before school starts?

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