meetings and feelings

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"Love is a smoke and is made with fume of sighs."
                                                -Romeo and Juliet.

"The 24 year old woman named Isla, was sitting enjoying her lunch, until the alien ship crashed, she heroically got up and saved 68 year old Chester Smith. They tried to run but were stopped by the alien, who now resides with the 24 year old in the pentagon. After she used her body to protect Chester, the alien seemed to have gotten some affection towards her." The ancher woman speaks, showing a picture of me, from my Facebook. "Today as the president gave a speech at the white house, Isla and the alien where reported to be spotted getting into a car, and headed as well to the white house." 

I roll my eyes. I turn off the tv, i look at the time 1pm, we have been here for over an hour. where the hell is that damn president. 

"Where is he?" I ask the sergeant. 

"He should be done soon." The sergeant says. I jump as i feel a pair of fingers on my cheeks, i turn to see Azulon is very close to me, his eyes studying me. He then moves my hair out of my face, he smiles at me, i feel myself trying to hold my breath, but its not working. How is this man making me feel this way? Wait there is no way! 

I get up from the chair and walk towards the table across the room, picking up a magazine. I try to flip through it, only to look up and notice Azulon's eyes on me once again. Dave walks back in with coffee in his hand. Mrs. Jameson walks in as well, leaning over to the sergeant. The sergeant gets up clapping his hands. 

"Ok, the president is ready." He says. Dave tells Azulon and he gets up stretching his whole body, i begin to walk fast, but somehow he was there again, holding the bottom of my shirt. I take another deep breath. Somehow i am ok with this now, because something tells me there is no way to stop this. 

We are lead throughout another maze. Until we reach a pair of large wooden doors. And into the famous Oval Office. The president sitting at the desk with special agents and the vice president, and more people. They all stop talking and look back at us, well mostly at Azulon and how he stands right behind me holding on to my shirt. 

"Wow, what a giant man." The president says.  I look back at Azulon and then at the president. 

"Indeed, he is." The secretary of defense says. "Now how are we positive he is not going to hurt us?"

"Well as you can see the attachment he has on this young lady, he seems calmer when he is around her. We still dont know why. We have only learned that he speaks the acient language of Egyptian." The sergeant says. 

"And why is that?" The president asks. 

"Well if i may be able to say." Dave says. "I am an expert in the acient languages. We have been able to talk, and he has told me a little." 

"And what is that? Is there any more of him? Are we to expect any war, that we have to prepare for?" The president asks. 

"No, Azulon here has told me, about his planet, the way of living the poor and the rich, he says he didnt consider anything of himself on his home planet, but loved to live in the woods, he could careless for anything, now hi best friend worked with their defenses and such, i guess their planet was dying. Azulon said his friend had called him to meet him at the spaceship station, and, he said that there was a war going at the time, the people there were going wild fighting each other, when Azulon arrived at the spaceship, his friend was being chased by the army, before he could do anything his friend was killed, Azulon tried to get to him, but the ship, closed its doors. He didnt know how to get it open. The ship took off, Azulon didnt know what to do. He lost his friend and his planet exploded right in front of his eyes. The ship took off, and thats how he ended here." Dave said, i could feel my eyes filling with tears. 

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