Chapter Seventeen

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Knox Briggs

We spent the day with my sister. Seeing Xan get so comfortable with my niece and nephew spread warmth through my chest. I know he was close with his own, but I didn't know he'd get so comfortable with mine.

We just got home from my sisters. We stop by the living room to talk to his dads, and then we're going to his room. I strip, getting changed into sweats and a t-shirt. Layla saw my dick today.

It was awkward as fuck. Then Xan's comment comes back into my head. Maybe we should move to the pack house.

I want to ask him about it, but I don't want to set him off. But I need to have this conversation. So with a deep breath, I turned. Xan has on one of my hoodies, and sweats. He's running his fingers through his curls, and his eyes find mine.

"What?" he asks, climbing onto his bed. He sits on the edge, sitting criss cross.

"How would.. You feel about moving to the pack house? Someday" i tack on, sitting beside him.

He nods, playing with the sleeve of my hoodie. "I'd like that. But I don't think I can transfer packs.. I'd like to move into one here. I want to be close to my dad, and my siblings. What do you think about that?" he asks, his tone genuine.

One thing about Alexander, is he's very mature and wise for his age.

"I'd be okay moving here. I lived in my own apartment back in my pack, but I'd be okay moving to the pack house. Or getting a house here."

"I want to work in the pack daycare, and if you do they offer housing to you. Plus my brother is mated to the alpha, so I have a free room there. I like working with kids" he confesses.

"I think you'd do really well working with kids. You were great with my niece and nephew, and you're really good with your own" i nod, "And i think you could really help them"


"Of course angel"

He has a shy smile on his lips, and he nods. "We can talk to Bran tomorrow about moving into the pack house next week. We can go pack up your own stuff while we wait for it to be ready for us?"

"You sure it won't be too much for you?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. He has light scars on his neck from where I dragged my canines, and his neck is littered in hickies. It makes my cock twitch.

"I think it would be okay. Plus I can always come back and visit. It's not like we will be far" he has a point.

"Okay angel" I lean in, placing a soft kiss to his pulse. He squirms slightly, and then he's on my lap, straddling me.

"I really liked your teeth against me" he whispers, his hips shifting and grinding into me. "Felt so good" he purrs, gripping my shoulders with his hands.

"Want to try something else?" I ask, my voice hoarse as my hands find his hips. Guiding them forward as I nip his jaw, and neck.

"Mhmmm" he mumbles, his head falling back between his shoulders. My canines extend, scraping against his sensitive skin. I puncture his neck, only a little bit. I don't want to mark him, but I love the little gasps and stutters he gets when I scrap or bite into him.

"Can I touch your cock?" I ask, whispering my words against his ear.

"Y-yeah" he stutters, his hips faltering slightly. I push my hips up, shoving my pants past my ass to expose myself. Xan's head snaps up, looking between us. He whimpers seeing me, which only makes me harder. Throb.

It's a little awkward, but I get his pants past his ass, too. I've seen some videos online, and there's something I wanted to try that wasn't too much.

Spitting in my hand, I wrap my fingers around us both. Xan whimpers, his hips thrusting forward, fucking my fist. I pump us, slow. Feeling his silky cock against mine is gonna send me. I never had a feeling so euphoric.

Even before. This is so, so different. I go back to his neck, needing to taste his sweet skin. I suck, nip, bit. I puncture his neck anywhere I can, the copper taste flooding me. It drips down his neck, but there's not a lot.

I pump us a bit faster, and Xan moans, making my stomach clench. His moans and whimpers are quiet, not loud. Like him. Tightening my hand around our base, I pull away. His eyes are dark, and his lips are parted.

Leaning forward, I press our lips together. Taking his plump bottom lip between mine, I sink my teeth in. Canines out, breaking the skin of his lip. I can't keep them in long when we do stuff like this. I know my wolf wants to mark and mate, but we're not there yet.

"You do so good for me, angel. You're leaking all over "I whisper the words in his ear, squeezing his shaft. Xan likes praise, and I love giving him it. He shudders in my lap, his head falling back again.

I pause, using my free hand to push his shirt up and off his body. He works my short off, his hands exploring my bare chest. My lips are on his jaw, to his neck, and collarbone. I start pumping us, faster this time.

He moans, as my lips close over his nipple, running my tongue over the peak. He cries out, thrusting into my hand. "So so close Knox" he whimpers.

I kiss my way over to his other nipple, nibbling and sucking the tight teak between my lips as I jerk us faster.

His noises, his body sends me over, my cum spurting from my tip and coating us. Xan isn't far behind, another cry escaping him as his hips jut forward.

Slowing my pumping to a stop, i lick our mixed cum off my hand. The sweet and salty taste exploded against my tongue. Of course his cum tastes delicious.

Xan's tongue pokes out, licking my hand. Getting his own taste.


Xan's in therapy, and I'm sitting in my car, waiting. He should be done any minute, then we're going to meet with Branson and Noah, to get me transferred into this pack.

I'm a little nervous, but it needs to be done. Xan comes out, in my hoodie and sweats. It's his go too. The pants are a little too big- those are my pants. I chuckle to myself, I wonder how long he has been doing that for. He slips in, giving me a shy smile.

"Why are you laughing at me?" he asks, fiddling with his fingers.

"You've taken over my clothes" i smile small, "Didn't even notice you've been wearing my pants"

"They're comfy" he pouts, and I give him a quick peck.

We drove to the pack house, which is very close. The only reason we took my car is because it's raining. I pull into a spot, and then we're rushing inside. The pack house is busy, wolves swarming everywhere.

We make our way to Noah's office, sense that's where they said to meet them. Xan knocks, then pushes open the door. Branson is between the desk and Noah, and they're both panting.

They were fucking. Xan knows too, because he huffs and his cheeks tint. "Why don't you guys fuck in a bed?" he whines, making his way to the chair in front of the desk.

"Because we have two kids, and he's the alpha of our pack." Bran throws, not even hesitating.

"Let's just get this transfer started, yeah?" Noah asks, a flush to his skin. He sits in his chair, and Branson kisses his temple before sitting somewhere behind us. He adds his input throughout the whole thing, but the transfer goes smoothly.

And after two hours, I'm officially a member of my mates pack. 


Oooo he's finally a member of the pack!! I love it.

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