chapter 1

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The rooster's crow sliced through the dusty air of the village, rousing Maya from a dream unlike any other. She dreams to start a business inspite of her mother's disapproval and neighbour's discouragement, she stood tall with a positive mind and dreamed of a shop filled with colourful fabrics.

But the path wouldn't be easy. Her mother's voice, laced with disapproval, echoed in Maya's ears, "You are a girl, child. Businesses are for men with strong backs and even stronger pockets." The neighbors, too, cast their long shadows of doubt. "Teacher, like your mom," they'd mutter, their words heavy with tradition. Her father, a silent pillar in the storm, held no objections, but his encouragement remained a locked door, the key lost somewhere in the years.

Its Monday morning ,Monday mornings where a whirlwind in her house. Her mother, a schoolteacher, bustled about, packing lunches and prepping breakfast between scolding Maya for 'daydreaming' instead of helping. Her father, a shopkeeper, shaved hurriedly, the scent of sandalwood soap mingling with the clatter of pots. Maya, the only daughter, sat at the worn table, the dream of her fabric shop a vibrant counterpoint to the chaos.

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