Bullied - NxR(daughter figure)

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Prompt: You are 14 and just got rescued from the Red room. We start going to school, but starts to get bullied but Natasha finds out.

- Requested by @obessedwithmarvel74 -

“Why do I have to go to school?”

“Because you can’t sit around here all day Y/N” Natasha responds.

“I already learned a lot in the Red Room”

Natasha sighs, “Well you should have a life of a somewhat normal girl. And somewhat normal girls still have to go to school”

You sigh. Natasha has been like a mother figure ever since she rescued you from the Red Room. It makes sense. She was the one, other than Yelena, who really understood what you are going through.

“I know it’s hard, but I’m asking you to at least try it okay?” Natasha asks, grabbing my hands and giving me a peck on the cheek.

I sigh, there was no way I could fight this.

“Cheer up little Red, school is fun” Tony grinned walking by with a box of lab supplies.

“Tony, uh can’t you tell Tash I don’t have to go”

“Sorry little red, no can do. School is very important”

“Since when do you ever agree with her?”

“Well once every blue moon, we do.” Tony states.

“Figures” I mumble.

“Hey, what’s up” Lena asks, walking in.

“I have to go to school tomorrow”

“Oh, fun” she smiles, “Where at?”

You look at Natasha with a surprised look, “Yeah, where am I going?”

“Providence High School. It is a 10 minute walk from the Tower, but someone will drop you off and pick you up”

“Yeah hoo”

“I know you’re not excited, but who knows maybe you’ll like it” Natasha says.


So here you are the next day standing outside a smaller school watching all the kids talking and socializing and walking into school.

“Have fun kid, you’ll be fine okay” Bruce says,

“Thanks Bruce,” you mutter. You really did not like this idea. If anyone told you that 9 months ago you would go from killing and training to going to school, you’d probably break their neck. But here you are.

You walk in looking around. There is a lot of art displayed including art projects and poster boards. You look down at your paper that says to go to the office. Looking around you don’t see anything around that looks like an office.

“Hey” someone says from behind. You spin around getting ready to flip someone if needed but see a girl, brown hair, and blue eyes. She is wearing a flower print blouse and ripped jeans. Suddenly you feel a little self conscious in your karate kid shirt and yoga pants.

“Hi, sorry, I scared you, I am Corinne Laywick. Are you new”

“Uh, yeah” I try to smile.

“Are you looking for the office”

You nod

“I’ll show you” she offers. We walk down the hallways as she shows me all the stuff,

“This is Mrs. Millson’s room and Mrs. Wilbust’s room. They are fourth grade teachers. This is Mr. Hension’s room he is the 7th grade teacher. Oh my gosh I remember when I did this,” she points to the animal displayed project posters, “Anyway, are you 14?”

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