My Miracle Baby NxSteve-RD

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Prompt: You are Natasha and Steve's baby. This is your birthstory.

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You were a surprise to your mother, you weren't even supposed to be possible. But she figured when she couldn't keep anything down for a week something was up. So she went to Bruce and asked for a check up. And that's when he broke the new. She was pregnant. She thought back and she could only think of one person...Steve Roger.

"Steve, this was supposed to be impossible." your mother sighed, rubbing her face.

"Nat I don't know how this happened. I will support your decision either way. I know your thoughts about motherhood"

Your mother...never thought she could be one. Not with her upbringing. She was learned to kill and manipulate, not reproduce. She was still learning to love and now she was expecting a baby. That shouldn't have been possible. But Bruce said that she was at least 2 weeks, and the baby was healthy.

"I don't know Steve. I-I'm not mother material"

"You may not think that, but I think you are, deep down"

She sighs, "I don't know what to do. I don't want to get rid of it. But I don't know if I want to keep it"

"Well, I will be with you every step of the way." Steve reassures, kissing your mom,

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The next fews weeks were rough. All the Avengers tried to help yet give as most space as needed. Natasha was having a hard time. The morning sickness was rough, every morning and afternoon like clockwork.

Natasha woke up with her stomatch turning, she gets up and sprints out of bed, Steve hot on her heels. Steve holds Natasha's hair back as Natasha throws up what feels like her whole stomatch. Natasha pants leaning up against the counter. Pepper appears in the doorway and hands your mother a glass of water.

"Here, maybe this will help" Pepper smiles,

"Thanks" Natasha sighs, sending Pepper a grateful look.

"You know I can go to the store. I looked up thing to help with morning sickness and it says that ginger ale might help and some dry crackers." Steve suggests.

"I don't know if anything will help" Natasha sighs.

"It might be easier as you progress. I noticed by the 2nd trimester, it wasn't as bad. Now of course there were back pains and stretch marks-"

"Great," Natasha laughs.

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You are always loved. Your mother and father knew that very early when she started to show. Natasha wasn't sure if she could ever love someone as much as you. At first she wasn't sure if she was mom material. She still didn't, but she knew that you were a miracle and that inside she felt like she had an obligation do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Your father was in love with you since the moment he heard.

2nd Trimester was a little easier than the 1st with the morning morning sickness, but now she woke up with your feet in her ribs.

"Ugh" Nat groans.

"What's wrong honey?"

"This baby keeps kicking my ribs" Nat says rubbing her small bump.

Steve rolls over, and smiles at Nat placing his hand on her belly. The baby kicks at his hands, making Steve grin and Nat pout.

"Shhh, baby" Steve whisphers, "Mama needs some sleep"

With his soft voice, the baby's kicks stop, "So what are we doing today?"

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