Quirks- SxR(teen actress)

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Prompt: Y/N is working with Scarlett on a Marvel Movie, and has some sensory issues

A/N: Hey guys! So I based this on my experience. I have been dealing with this for a good couple months now. It's come out of no where. But I thought it might be an interesting one shot. If anyone has any idea about why this might be, or their experiences, I would love to hear. It's been difficult and I would love to get some more information about it or what it might be. Thanks for reading!

⚠️ - Sensory stuff


I have a lot of quirks. I really didn't realize, like I mean I've been boring for most of my life. Okay, boring is not the right word. I'm an actress so I really can't say boring. I get to travel the world and work on projects and meet people others only dream to meet. 

But what I mean is that, I've always been pretty "normal" in the sense that my life is good and I really have no problems. Though lately something’s been up. I’m working on a Marvel Movie which has been amazing. The only thing is that for the past few months- I don’t know how to explain it. 

There have been little things that have been bothering me. I don’t like wearing short sleeves because then I can feel all the surfaces on my arms. I hate loud noises around me. I don’t like when people tap me on the shoulder or touch me. Some clothes really bother me, like it’s scratchy. I get self-conscious when I get food. It’s an irrational fear, I mean who really pays attention to that. 

There was this poor flight attendant that offered me a different/better seat on the plane to the set for the Marvel Movie, but I got nervous because I picked this seat so now I got all worried about thinking about changing seats. Like my brain was fixed on this seat, and I’d have to grab my bags, which shouldn’t have been a big deal, because changing seats is no big deal at all. Though for some reason…I just couldn’t. 

Another was socialization. I used to be very extroverted, and I still am, but social gatherings are now tiring. I went to two cast parties that weren’t too long, and I crashed right when I got home. I was so tired, and talking made me even more tired. 

The problem is that working on this movie…I am supposed to be an easy to work with actress, but these quirks, they just make it hard. How am I going to do interviews or wrap parties? What am I going to do when I have to meet all these people? 

“Here, I want you to try this on,” the costume director, Roy, said handing me a nice looking sweater.

I gladly put it on but internally groan when I can feel the rough material. 

“I think it looks great” He smiles, “So you are going to be wearing this sweater for the next couple of scenes. Do you want to try your suit on again? Joe said he might want to change the color of the strip on the legging”


He leads me to the room, as I get into the suit. The suit actually feels nice. I walk out and he nods,

“Much better,”

I get into the sweater again huffing as the rough material hugs me.

“Uh, thank you so much.”

I quickly leave and run into Scarlett on our way to shooting. She has been an angel when I got here. She showed me around all different places. She’s mentored me too, and I play her adopted daughter, which is amazing. She is such a nice person and a great actress. She always can tell when something is bothering me. I guess it’s a mother’s intuition. I feel terrible lying to her.

“Y/N, are you ready for filming?”


“Are you okay? You seem a little off”

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