Christmas Miracle S-D

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Prompt: Scarlett's daughter needs a living donor. When the chances look low they have a christmas miracle. Slightly based on a Hallmark movie.

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It has been a tiring few months. Our oldest daughter Violet needs a liver badly. She has been getting worse and worse now. She tries to hide it so we can do our family activities but it has been getting harder for her. She's becoming weaker, and more tired. She doesn't look too well either, her face paler and her eyes more tired. We are hoping for a living donor, um but it's hard, and her doctor says she only has a few months later.

"V, are we making gingerbread house?" Rose asks.

"Of course we are" Violet responds, trying to look as well as she can.

"Violet, make sure you don't exert too much energy."

"I know mom" she says.

"V, your mother is just worried" Colin says.

It's been very hard to see your child suffer. I just hope we can find someone very soon.

"Come on," Cosmo said, "The table is ready"

"Okay," Violet agrees, slowly getting up. Once her and Rose leave the room I sigh and break down.

"Scar," Colin cries.

"Colin! We can't do nothing! Our baby needs a donor"

"I know, I know she does. Maybe we can put out messages so everyone knows and get's tested. We can have Lizzie and Chris get online and share her story. What if we do interveiws and try to get the word to everone we know"

"Okay," i sigh, wiping my tears, "Come on"

We reach out to everyone asking if they can make announcements and spread the word. My mother and the family is coming over for Christmas soon so we can do everything that V wants to do for Christmas. I just need to make sure she's well enough for it. My agent called and he said I have an interveiw for tomorrow so that we can get the word out.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"So I hear you need some help this holiday season" Jimmy Fallon announces.

I nod, "Yes, but not me, my daughter. As you know she is 17 and she has a medical condition. She needs a new liver, fast. She doesnt- she doesn't have a lot of time left. We're trying to get Vi's story out so that there is a better chance to get a donor."

"Everyone, on our website, we have the link to sign up to get tested. Those in the audience you have a slip of paper with the instructions, and information to get tested. Please, everyone, we need to help Violet"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

A week goes by and no word. I am getting very worried and frustrated. There are billions and trillions, probably more people that are on this earth. There has to be someone that is a match. Everyone in my family has already been tested, and no avail.

"Honey, we'll find a way" My mom says.

"Yes, I talked to everyone I know and they're all getting tested" my older sister said.

"We really need a miracle" I sigh.

Colin nods, "It's tough, and yet Violet, never gets sad, or discouraged."

"She's so brave"

"Mom?" Violet speaks.

Everyone turns to see Violet, holding onto the door frame.

Scarlett Johnasson OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now