A Fallen Seraph

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Hey pookies :3

This is where I'll be uploading untill SOMEONE (eyes wattpad) gives me my book back :3

Enjoy this monstrosity :3

Warning: mentions of vore


What Enzo had planned for the day included going to that canyon with his team, collecting a few samples for future research and eventually calling it a day. What he hadn't anticipated was reaching the canyon only to find his coworkers gone and a ginormous being emerging from the rocky depths.

The being before him was humongous. As its glowy body leaned just above him it still managed to dwarf him by several hundred feet. Enzo dreaded the moment it would rise to its full height. In fact, it was so big already that Enzo had to move his entire body just to witness parts and sections of the giant's body. Only to add to the horrific image came the fact that it had three eyes and several feathery wings. He called the being an “it” because even as the giant before him filled his vision entirely, he couldn't distinguish whether it was male or female. Taking a step back, which actually did nothing to help, Enzo noticed that it possessed the upper body of a man, yet the massive face that studied him with an equal level of curiosity, seemed to have several feminine traits: big, doe-like ocean eyes that could definitely drown him, a long but delicate nose and full cheeks, complemented by a well defined jawline. A shiver passed through his spine as he laid eyes on the being's full lips. Those lips could probably devour him in a split of a second and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Enzo took another step back as a precaution but kept stalking the creature's features nevertheless.

As if to add to the feminine characteristics, a mane of never-ending, glossy, golden locks decorated the being's head, and several stray tufts cascaded over its broad shoulders with grace. The color of its hair fitted harmoniously with the striking whiteness of its feathery wings, as several of them were sprouting from the creature's back, enough to cover the human's view of the sky.

Despite being visibly and obviously disturbed by the giant entity and feeling the need to run, something about those iridescent eyes made his feet remain firmly rooted to the ground. In other words, he felt mesmerized in his fear and even if his instincts alarmed him to run as fast as he could, another part of him was battling to convince him that it was okay to look and that he was safe. But as the 30 year old archaeologist tried to calmly take in the being's enormity, fear bubbled in his chest when a gigantic hand with claws as long as the size of his car rapidly approached. But when his fight or flight kicked in, Enzo stumbled on his own two feet and fell hard on his sides, bruising his arm and hurting his hip.

In a pathetic attempt to save himself, he grasped his head and held it tightly while keeping his eyes firmly shut and clutching his sides in pain. His blood ran cold in his veins when something soft came in contact with the exposed skin of his arm. Enzo remained frozen, hoping the creature would soon lose interest and leave him alone. But unfortunately it didn't seem to be his lucky day as one of those milky white clawed hands closed around him. The man yelped, anxious about his proximity to the sharp needle-like claws. But that wasn't even the most horrifying part. The creature, that had been crouched in the canyon the whole time, suddenly rose to its full height and the next moment the ground seemed miles away. Enzo screamed after making the stupid mistake of looking down through the gaps between the creature's fingers.

He was taking short, frantic breaths that failed to fully satisfy his lungs’ need for oxygen. It was almost as if he was about to have a panic attack. And as if all the excess stress wasn't enough, it dawned to him that the being was lifting him all the way up to his face. Oh no no no no no! The last thing Enzo wanted was getting anywhere closer to that huge mouth. It would definitely eat him. Why didn't he run when he had the chance? And those were only a few of the thoughts that passed through the turmoil in his mind. Before he knew it, Enzo was facing the giant eye to eye. He couldn't help but notice how the diameter of its irises was probably bigger than his entire height. That fact made him shiver once more.

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