An absurd life for Harley

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Joker can't keep anymore his anger. Harleen was gone, disappeared and he didn't have any
idea about where she was. She was acting a bit weirdly the last period, often tired, pale face
skin and she often threw up after the meals.
Joker was surprised about Harley's smart way to fast recover herself after a dramatic event. It
was her strongest quality, admitted him. His henchmen were busy to search her into all
Gotham City.
"But what if she had left the city?" Thought Joker.
" No, she still loves me. She will never leave me." A furious spontaneous laugher made him
caugh. She was still close.
- Barbara, you're doing great here. Believe we were desperate until you came and you saved
Sylvia, one of the new colleagues of Harleen, smiled at her.
Harleen chose her new name, style and story. A good friend of Deadshot made her brandnew
passport very fast. This helped her a lot while searching an apartment and a job. Her
pregnancy too, but this won't stop her working at a supermarket in the suburb of Gotham. It
was one of the poorest and miserable part of the town but it was close to Harley's apartment.
Or better, Barbara Nightingale's apartment.
- No problem. You know, I need money.- Said Harley. Harley and Sylvia were finally about
finish with the stock in the magazine. It was 8 o'clock pm, time to close the store.
In 10 minutes, lights out, alarm on, and Harley walked fast to her apartment. Until she
noticed a shadow behind her. The dirty street was empty, except for a drunk homeless man
yelling at a traffic light and a stray dog searching food in the trash.
- Stop there.- A deep voice made Harley freeze. It was Batman's voice. But he wasn't talk to
her, but to Ivy.
Harley saw Batman running behind her best friend but she can't do anything. Harley felt so
powerless. So unuseful that she missed her life as Joker's partner.
" This is the past. I'm Barbara now." Harley accelerated, trying to think about what to prepare
for dinner.

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