Like father like daughter

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The little Sarah was growing excellently, a blond copy of her father. In the last five years,
Joker brought home a few his ex henchmen or people that in the past treated him as a human
failure or criticised him, making him so pissed off that his nervous laughter became
uncontrollable. Joker had so much fun torturing him in front of an excited Sarah. They had a
good time, especially with his ex boss. But now Joker desired to make a step further, even
Sarah was still a little girl.
- Are you ready, my darling?- Asked Joker to Sarah, on a hot 4th July. Sarah nodded, she
couldn't wait more for it. Her blond straight hair made Joker thinking to Harleen for a while.
Joker put uncountable litres of his special laughing poison on an elicopter, in form of
fireworks. The Liberation Day was the perfect date for his plan: make people laugh until
death. More as possible.
In the sky, on the elicopter, Joker waited for the best moment. At noon, the city centre of
Gotham was very crowded, people pushing eachother for watch a stupid parade.
- When I tell you to go, you will push this button, right?-
Sarah nodded, an evil smile on her pretty face.
- Now!!!-
Sarah obeyed and immediately amazing colourful fireworks appeared in the blue sky of
Gotham. The people underneath looked at the unexpected show with surprise. But a few
moments later, only hysterical laughs. No music, no parade anymore. Just laughs. Many
persons laid on the ground, missing oxygen and breath. A few were already dead.
-AHAHAH!!! It was fine today, daddy!-
Joker could hear only Sarah's laughs. He felt as a proud father of his perfect daughter.
The sight from up above wasn't so clear, but Joker noticed a few police cars driving to the
- Time to go back.- He said.
- I will tell you how I create my personal laugh poison. It's just between you and me.- Said
- I like to help you, daddy! I won't tell your secret to anyone else.-
- That's my good girl.-
On the street, a day of happiness and celebration became a nightmare. The main street looked
like a cemetery.
Even the army can't do anything. Rick Flagg ordered to all his members to put masks on the
faces. He knew what caused that tragedy. Rick nervously took his phone.
- Amanda, are you still double playing? I hope not or you will have many people on your
conscience from now on.-

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