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- So, many things do I have to know?- Joker smiled, making that question to
Harleen. They came home and he vent all his anger against her.
Harleen sit on the floor of the living room, a big bruis on her left eye.
- Nothing more puddin and...I so much wanted to talk to you about the baby...-
- Shut up! Let me think...-
Harleen knew it: when Joker needed to think, it was a red flag. His psychotic mind would
never think out something good. He took a pair of handcuffs to tie Harley at a pipe at a corner
of the room.
- You won't escape anymore my darling. We will always have eyes on you.-
Those were his last words before he left the room. Harleen sighed. She was exhausted, dirty,
with a terrible stomach-ache. Harleen felt asleep without even noticing it.
The days, the weeks passed all like to eachother. Harleen can't recognise anymore the
daylight and the night in that dark room. She can't understand why Joker was still keeping her
like this.
One day, she gave birth. It was 3th of August, she was completely alone and she did it even
while being tied. Luckily the baby was healthy. A small little girl, with few light blond hair
and blue eyes. In that moment, Joker and his first henchman Bob came back. Joker had at
least the humanity to untie Harleen. There was a lot of blood but Harleen didn't care about
anything in the world anymore. Harleen was able to grab the baby before Joker did and she
hold her tight.
- My beloved Sarah.- She whispered.

My beloved Sarah Where stories live. Discover now