What am I doing?

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Sarah can't sleep that night. It was already almost a week that she was in the hospital. The
room was silent and not enough dark. She missed so much her room, her father, her life of
before. Pamela's voice was still the most important part of her days. It always promised her
that she had to do whatever the people were asking her and that it would help her. But until
when? When can she finally leave that place?
- Are you there....?- Whispered Sarah in the dark. She sit on the bed, hugging the white
- Sure. Sarah you're making progress. Do you know when you will leave...?-
- Tomorrow night. I don't want to go.-
- It will be for a few days sweety. Not more. Hold on.-
Sarah and Pamela had many conversations the past days. Sarah liked her a lot but Pamela
wasn't able to convince her to give a chance to her mother. Sarah will never forgive Harley.
Sarah stood up and looked out from the window. Only trees were surrounding the buildings.
Sarah focused on the light of the patio at the entrance of the hospital. Her breath became
deeper, her head started to be painful but she didn't care until the light exploded.
Sarah smiled and cheered up for herself. A pink pyjama on, her long hair down with a small
pink ribbon on it made her looking a good sweet girl. But she was much more than this.
- Hey, sleeping beauty. It's time for the test.- Nadya woke up Sarah with a sweet voice.
Sarah nodded, even against her real willing. Nadya was excited about that little girl. In the
past week she obtained the maximum results in all the tests: logic, maths, problem solving
and many others. She was a genius as her QI was above 140. She knew chemical formulas
that many adults didn't even knew existed. A normal person uses just the 3%/5% of the brain
and Sarah was able to use around 30%. Nadya didn't exactly know how and what Sarah could
do but she wanted to do everything step by step. Despite her weird way to talk with herself,
Sarah wasn't schizophrenic neither borderline or had other mental illnesses. Nadya thought it
was just a way for the kid for fill her loneliness of the past days.
- But first breakfast.- Nadya put a tray on the desk next to the bed.
- Take your time. It's a great day for you.- Nadya smiled and left the room, holding her
mobile phone. She was trilling for the excitement.
- Nadya, I was thinking about you right now.- The voice of Amanda Waller made her even
more nervous. - Are you sure? Are you conscious about what you are doing?-
- Sure. I'm young but I'm adult. And I'm the best person for take care to Sarah.-
Amanda didn't know what to reply and for a few seconds no one spoke.
- Ok, then I can't stop you. You just know about the fact that you're officially adopting Joker's
daughter. Actually it makes sense. Crazy ones attract eachother...-
Nadya laughed. She confirmed again her choice. She felt something special for Sarah. And
she was doing it for her too. Such a genial kid will be taken as weird from another family and
she didn't want that Sarah had to become like a "public monster" who everyone talks about.
People could be so cruel sometimes. And the narcissistic Amanda Waller could even use
Sarah for the army, who knows. No, Sarah needed a quiet and comfortable space to grow up
as a normal kid.
- Ok then, tonight you can already bring her home as you wish. Good luck, you will need it.
But please, let me send you a couple of agents. Just to be sure the first week. They won't
bother you, they will just be there for your safety.-
- Ok.-
Amanda closed the conversation. Nadya turned and a smiling Sarah was behind her back.
Pink t shirt, jeans, pink sneakers and ponytail.
- I'm ready.- She said.
- Great. Let's go.- Nadya took her hand and they walked together to the main room.
After that day, Sarah put her few things in a bag and she was ready to go.
- Don't leave me alone, please...- Sarah said to Pamela's voice.
- No sweety, never. We will come for you.-
She suddenly thought about her "power". Seen that she could spontaneously contact the
mysterious voice of Pamela, could she maybe contact her father too?
Excited for it, Sarah closed the door and sit on the bed. She had to be relaxed and
concentrated so she inhaled and exhaled deeply for a while.
"Daddy, can you hear me...?" Sarah thought. It was costing a lot of effort for her. After a few
instants, a familiar voice made her almost cry. She made it!
" I can't believe you are doing it Pumpkin Pie it's...where are you?"
- Tock tock.- Nadya interrupted her. She stood at the door with an happy face. - Time to go.-
Sarah nodded and followed Nadya till her car. A red small car, very messy at the inside.
Sarah immediately thought about the fabulous car of his father, she loved it so much.
- That's not a car.- Commented Sarah - My father's one is a car.-
Nadya sighed. When Sarah will finally stop to compare normal things to her father's ones?
- Many things will be different from now on. But you will like it. As I said, take your time.-
Said Nadya then she turned and looked at the seat passenger where a confused Sarah sit - I'll
always be here for you.-
They didn't talk for the next halfhour, till they reach Nadia's home. Nadya installed a few
cameras outside and inside thd house, just to be sure. Nadya's house was a common, small
terraced house very clean and comfortable. Nadya showed Sarah the house. It was everything
so tidy and fresh clean. Modern furnitures, cozy couch in front of a big TV in the living
room. Many plants and flowers who made Sarah thinking about Pamela. After it, Nadya
brought Sarah to her room. A pinkish nice one.
- I bought a few clothes but tomorrow I took a day off so we can go shopping together and
you can choose your favourite ones. And about the toys too. -
Sarah put her bag on the bed ank looked around. She didn't like anything there. Why Nadya
was so stubborn to still thinking pink was Sarah's favourite colour?
- Can I have a look by myself here, Nadya?- Asked Sarah in a mellow way.
- Of course dear, no need to ask it. I'll wait for you downstairs with the dinner.-
Nadya closed the door. Sarah immediately tried to contact Joker and Pamela. But no way, she
- Come on, stupid mind do it!! Please!- She said, desperate. Sarah sitted on the bed, but no
way. She was too stressed, too many changes.
- Sarah dinner is ready!- Nadya called her from downstairs.
Sarah snorted. That woman was constantly in her way, she was done with it. She said:
- Im not hungry Nadya. I'm tired I'll go to sleep.-
- Ok dear, if later you will be hungry don't worry and come to kitchen.-
Sarah didn't answer and opened all the layers and the wardrobe. Nothing, only pink clothes, a
couple of dolls and other stupid things like sheets. Sarah would pay millions for a tablet or
something where to watch videos or listen to music.
At ten o'clock Nadya was ready to go to bed. Sarah didn't show up for the whole evening so
Nadya checked if everything was all right. She saw the little girl asleep on the bed, the
clothes still on but she didn't want to disturbe her so Nadya closed the door and went to her
Nadya, her night dress on, stared at the door of her bedroom. The daughter of one of the most
dangerous criminals of the country was in the room next to hers. Nadya locked the door and
she felt safer.
" What am I doing...?" She thought. But Nadya preferred to keep the door locked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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