You're not alone

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- Sarah you need to eat something...please.-

The doctor put the dish of meat and vegetables one more time close to Sarah.

- No.-

Sarah crossed her arms. She was doing it on purpose: making the work of her psychologist

harder than ever. The doctor was a young lady, with short brown curly hair and a bit

overweight. Nadya Cross was her full name. They were sit at a table of a paediatric hospital,

luckily there were not many people around them, just a mother with her son on the


Nadya sighed. Amanda Waller told her everything about that little girl and she knew from the

begin that it was meant to be a real challenge for her career. Give an education, bring back to

a normal life, reset the brain of Joker's daughter? It sounded more than impossible. But

Nadya loved challenges, the sense of competition was in her blood.

- Listen to me. We all want to help you. But you need to cooperate. Your life will be better if

you do it...-

- No!! Why don't you listen to me?? Bring me back to my daddy! Bring me back home!!-

Sarah threw the dish against Nadya and ran to the most far corner of the room, sitting on the

floor, her head on the knees.

- Sarah, come here. I understand your feelings. But if you give me a bit of your trust, I'll

bring you home. A new one, with people who will give you unconditional love.-

Sarah looked at Nadya with flames in her eyes and thought:

"Is she stupid? I don't want a new home."

- Are you stupid? I hate you!! I hate you!-

Sarah grabbed a few toys on the floor, a small car and a woody cube and threw them against

Nadya hitting her.

- And I hate my mother too!- Sarah screamed, and this made her cry without stop, sobbing

and shaking like under convulsions.

- That little girl needs a bit of discipline!- Complained the woman with her son, looking at

Sarah with irritation.

- That's why I'm here.- With a mocking smile, Nadya stood up.
She desired to hug tight that poor little girl. Sarah was still wearing the same clothes, the

"DADDY'S LIL MONSTER " t shirt, blue skirt and boots and her hair in the same long

braid. Nadya went close to Sarah.

- Hey, come on. Let's put clean clothes on and put this beautiful hair down...-

- Don't touch me! Leave me alone! You will never get any closer to me!-

The reaction of Sarah made Nadya a bit nervous. From her side, if Sarah had a knife in her

hands she won't wait a second to stab Nadya's throat.

" I won't give up on you, oh no. My career depends just on you." Nadya was determined.

Sarah has suddenly a weird feeling. She heard a slight smooth voice coming from nowhere.

She didn't see anyone around her, except for the therapist. Sarah stood up and looked around,


- What's up?- Nadya dared to ask her.

- Did you hear it?- For the first time Sarah asked her a question so Nadya didn't want to cut

the conversation.

- No. What? What are you talking about?-

- It's a's here, somewhere around...-

Nadya grabbed her notebook.

" Possible schizophrenia or personality disorder. "

Nadya draw a big question mark aside it.

"....Sarah can you hear me...."

Sarah nodded, her big green eyes moving.

" I know you can, sweety. You're not alone..."

- What do you mean?- Asked Sarah.

Nadya was observing the scene with attention, writing down something.

"Don't worry. Obey to her. It will help you. I will help you further..."

The strange voice disappeared.

- What? If you can, help me please ! I want to go away from here!-

Sarah didn't get any answer this time.
Nadya bit her tongue. Sarah was clearly shocked or mentally ill. Something to work on the

next days.

- Sarah. Hey, are you ok?-

Nadya put an hand on her left shoulder. Sarah contained her instinct to bite Nadya's hand. As

the voice just said, it could help if she starts to cooperate.

- Yes. So...can I get clean clothes?-

- Of course! If you promise me that you will finally eat something.-

Nadya was sincerely surprised. Sarah nodded. Her long blond braid aside, like a little angel.

- Let's go to your room. I will get you clothes and something to eat. What do you like?-

Nadya walked through the long white corridor, followed by an unsure Sarah.

- Cotton candy?- Asked Sarah. Nadya smiled and nodded.

- Ok. And cotton candy will be. Come.-

Sarah walked aside her therapist till her room. She felt safer now. That voice was real, it

wasn't in her mind. She wasn't alone.

The beautiful, emerald coloured ivy was still there, next to the window of Sarah's room.

My beloved Sarah Where stories live. Discover now