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Hi guys so I haven't been updating this story but I have then really busy at the moment
If I have enough time I promise I will update the story but for now tysm for the reads!

As an apology I decided to add some removed parts that I didn't add on to the story

First story

No one's pov

Douma held shinobu's head, as he smiles

Douma:"Ara Ara! Well isn't it sad? That your so weak?"

Shinobu:"shut up! At least I wasn't the only one who died you little piece of shit!"

Douma:Ara Ara! that wasn't very nice!"

Douma said, trying to not show his anger

Shinobu:"you know we could have then happy together!"
Shinobu yelled out, as she started to blush at Douma

Douma looked at her in Disguise and anger

Douma:"Ara Ara! That will NEVER happen! You know why?'

Shinobu:"because that ugly dude is in our way?"
Shinobu said

Douma:" I will never love you, because your a monster.."

Douma said as he crushed shinobu's head is Disguised by what she said about Kokushibo
This was supposed to be the original story where Douma died but I changed my mind and decided to make him live XD
Second story

No one's pov

Douma sat on the bench as he look at the fish, they looked so beautiful

Kokushibo was walking up to Douma, he didn't what to scare off Douma.

Douma:"Ara Ara! I can hear you koku-Dono!"

Kokushibo sight in disappointment. He didn't want Douma to know he was there

Douma:"Oh my! koku-Dono what were you doing in the Bushes?"

Kokushibo:" I w-was l-looking for.....MY SWORD!"

Douma:"where really bad at lying koku-Dono!"

Kokushibo look at Douma in disappointment, in his eyes. Douma was able to make up what Kokushibo was feeling and decided to invite him for sit next to him

Douma:"Ara Ara! Such a beautiful day! Right koku-Dono?"

Kokushibo blushed and nodded
I wanted to put this part in the story but changed my mind Idk why I just did;-;
Again tysm for the 7k+ reads<3


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