The Black box speaks

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The rain beat heavily on my back as i sat on my doorstep covering my ears, the fear clutching my heart in a death grip. It was much more beautiful out here when no one else was around, the emptiness of the world, the only sound breaking through the loud rain being the shouts and crashing coming from inside. I knew what was going on behind those closed doors, i was much more knowlegable on the comings and goings of the (l/n) family than any other adult looking in. My little brother had spoken up against the shortcomings of my parents once again.

//the table was quiet, the sound of scraping and chewing permeating in the messy dining room. I sat in my corner seat hungrily watching on as my father gobbled down his food right in front of us.

"Such good food, too good for little children to eat" they said, their face fat with greed. I silently begged to whatever god there was above that andrew would stay quiet, that my poor ten year old brother wouldnt face retribution for his running mouth. However it seems my pleading fell on deaf ears. The too small for his age boy stood up angrily glaring from his seat

"I cant take it anymore!!! You're a horrible dad! Cant you see we're starving? Please i beg you feed-" he didnt get to finish his sentence because in less than a second my father stood up from his seat, grasping his small form by the collar.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" he spat in his face, and even from here i could smell the alcohol dripping from his voice. He pulled him over the table and began agressively slapping him around. I tried my best not to react, watching him getting beaten to shit. His already bruised skin only becoming more black and blue. By ten years old the poor kid had already lost 3 adult teeth from the beatings alone. Im sure he had multiple broken bones before if the late night pained groans were any indication. As i sat there holding back tears, hunger gnawing, guilt clawing, i tried desperately to drown out the beating. But i couldnt take it anymore, while they were focused on him i slowly inched away out the front door and sat down on the front step. Clutching my stomache and begging for salvation.//

"(Y/n)!!!! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" i stood up faster than a monk could grunt, my dissociative state breaking, slamming open the front door and quickly running to be with my "family" once again in the dining room. I entered the room to find a very disgusting scene, Andrew lay sprawled out, one of his bones bulging from his skin, dead asleep. I held back vomit slowly looking up to my tall father.

"Pick up this mess, you arent eating tonight so forget about stealing the scraps off our plates i will know if you do, capeesh?" I nodded swiftly before dipping down to pick up the way too light boy and quickly got my ass out of there.

The basement stairs thumped under my feet, i could feel their roughness, the rusty nails threatening to cut me up. I walked over to me and my brothers shared cot and carefully placed his fragile body down, feeling for its familiar rise and fall. Thank god, hes still alive. My heart thumped in my chest at the thought that one of these days i wouldnt have the ability to say that. I left him there for a second as i went to retrieve the first aid kit from the cupboard, climbing on the all too familiar sink counter to reach it. This was a very well known process for me, the beatings had become almost a tradition for me, every family dinner me and my brother left with at least one broken bone, thank god they only happened every once in a blue moon, otherwise my parents stayed far away from us. Leaving us to rot away in our claustrophobic basement. Now dont get me wrong, we had rooms in this god forsaken house nice rooms with a perfectly plain bed, and white walls. Sure they were boring but they were safe and warm, warmer than this. However we only got to be in them when family was over or if we were especially perfect for our parents but today wasnt one of those days, my brother had bad mouthed them and now look where we were.

I sat down beside my brother brushing his hair out of his face and started to fix him up, a compound fracture. I had read about them in the books my dad still had from his medical school days, he talked about them alot.

"My life was so much better when i didnt have you kids holding me down,  i couldve been an amazing doctor."

I was actually quite well versed in medical stuff, id been reading his old textbooks since i was three. My mother used to call me a genius when she was still alive, smarts didnt matter now though, all that mattered was my little brother and his broken bone. I pulled out the text book and looked up compound fractures.
'Ah!' I thought. I would need to perform a surgery i guess. I looked around the room for my sewing kit, finding it underneath a cupboard somewhere and looked around in it, looking for something. I pulled out the scalpel, freezing for a second at the memory it held, my breath hitching.
'No, get your shit together (y/n)' i pulled it out and layed in on the counter. I put them in the sink and then began disinfecting the counter, we luckily had high grade disinfectant, i know because at two id almost swallowed it and died. After that i began disinfecting my tools, looking around for something. Id need a metal rod to stabilize the bone while it heals. Ah here we are, i picked up an old pole from a pile, it wasnt rusty so it should work. I disinfected that and placed it on my surface then began to move my brother, i knew i wasnt supposed to move someone with a compound fracture, or any broken bone at all, but i didnt have a choice. I layed him down and began working at him. Cutting incisions in his skin to attatch the rod to. I was a very skilled surgeon for someone who hadnt had the chance to go to college or even school, so i made quick work of him, moving almost like in a dance. This was a very simple procedure for me.

Finally i finished, wrapping him up and transporting him as id already layed a protective film over the cot and disinfected it. Then i turned and went back upstairs to clean up the mess my parents had made.

As i was shuffling through the glass, picking it up careful something suddenly caught my attention in the mess. I reached down, scrapibg my bare chest against the broken plate. I picked up, the thin black object inspecting it curiously.
'what is this?' I thought to myself. Turning it over and pressing the buttons on the sit. I jumped in surprise when suddenly the room filled with light, a picture flashing on the screen. I looked around confused then just clicked the button again shutting it off and shoving it in my pocket, continuing to clean.


I sat on the edge of my bed still staring at the curious object. What was this magical thing? I swiped up on the screen surprised once again as a new screen flashed, little tiny pictures now clouding the screen. Phone, youtube, netflix...whats a net...flix? Shaking it off i clicked on the phone app in curiosity, could i call someone for help? Who would i call though? I began to just mash numbers in boredly, looking up and around at my surroundings, at my poor little brother. Suddenly a ringing noise jolted me halfway to the moon.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Who is this?" Fear suddenly clutched me at how loud it was. I terrifiedly pressed the, cancel button.


Thx for readin my shit tryna make a wrong number story first chapter was hard cause lots of world building but should be good from now on

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