Candy crows

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It was early in the morning when i heard the rattle of the keys in the door that shook me from my slumber. I shot up in bed looking around for the source, eyes widening as i saw the knob turning. I debated for a second on what i should do, Images of nights like this in my "house" where my door was forced open flashed in my head and before i knew it the decision was made for me and i was jumping off the bed in a nose dive and making a bee line for the one hiding place in the room, under my cot. I heard the footsteps before i saw them, the heavy sound of boots resonating on the metal. My heartbeat thundered in my head as my breathing picked up. Slowly the boots came into view in front of me, sort of just stopping. They were so close i could reach out and touch them, but i didnt dare move. Seconds felt like hours as they just stood there, practically glaring at me with spite. Then...the bed creaked, the person simply sitting down. I slapped my hands to my mouth, slamming my eyes shut, just waiting for them to leave like a terrified deer.
"I know you're there" the voice was deep, softer than anything i'd heard, much more pleasant than the woman. However, no matter how nice they sounded i knew how deceiving appearances could be. I pushed back further, tears slipping out. My chest heaved trying to get a breath in but i couldnt; it hurt, my head hurt so much, so many voices streaming in, screaming to be heard.
"I can hear you kid. Not doing so good eh?"

"Fuck off and get lost" i yelped, clutching my shirt so tight it threatened to rip.

"I aint gonna hurt you, i just wanna talk" he sighed out, dropping off the bed and sitting in front of the opening to the bed to look at me. My eyes peaked open, blurred by tears.

"Everyone says that in the begginning but they dont mean it!" I spat, a sob wretching through me. My vision came into focus finally and i could make him out, little gray pieces of hair filled his sideburns giving him an older look. Wrinkles filled his face but not from time, from stress it seemed like because he didnt neccesarily look all that old.  And his eyes, a dark soft blue, they had the same shade as fathers but the consistency wad totally off. They were, less harsh, less dangerous. He didnt make a move toward me or try and force me out he just stared.
"Quit looking at me like that" the man smiled sadly, crossing his arms and laying his head on them.
"I promise they wont hurt have my word. Just tell us everything you know about the owner of that phone because we know its not yours" the silence stretched as i stared at him, debating. I looked down at my scarred hands, touching every scar he had left.
"My dad was gone most of the day to work for...some kind of company, im not sure but i know he got paid alot of money. He also talked on the phone alot, sometimes i'd sneak upstairs and i could hear him talking about something called project "jericho" i dont know what it is but it seemed important. Thats all i know though...i swear" the man drew back out from under the bed, just sitting against the frame with his back touching the metal. I watched as he pulled a phone out of his pocket, then he dangled it in front of my face.
"Ever seen candy crush before?" I watched the screen with confusion, my eyes darting to where i assumed his head would be if not blocked by the bed and back to the phone. What was he playing at.
"Its basically this game where you match up candies to break them. There are certain tasks you gotta complete to finish each level and each level gets progressively more difficult. Its honestly pretty addicting" he then scooched out and flopped onto his belly facing me again, army crawling to get a little closer. A loud gasp came from my mouth as he got close and i pushed further toward the wall but he didnt do anything. Crunching noises were heard from the screen causing curiosity to strike me, i desperately tried to fight my intrigue, trying not to let the bright colors draw me in but before i knew it, i was watching in awe as he matched candies and destroyed them. I did this for awhile until in the blink of an eye he was back laying against the bed, dangling the phone again with the promise of sweet sweet candy crush.
"You wanna play? Its really fun~ you'll have to come out here though i dont feel like watching you play upside down." My hand reached out for the device before i could even think, however i drew it back just as quick like id touched hot coals. I stared at the tantalizing game for a good long while, sort of just stalling. The music played its tempting little tune, almost beating in my ears, and that stupid little character practically glared at me through the screen, taunting me to start another level.
"N-no its a trick, your just trying to bait me and i wont take it. Im not that dumb." I forced out, almost crying at the need for virtual candy destruction.
"If i wanted you dead i wouldve dragged you out from under the bed and killed you already." He pointed out with a chiding snicker. I glared, twiddling and playing with my fingers for a second before making the decision.
"Fine but you better not be tricking me or ill-"
"I get it" he cut me off. I rolled my eyes, shuffling out from under the bed finally.
"There ye are see? Im not so bad" i looked up to see the mans grin and grouched out a grumpy 'whatever' before snatching the phone from him. 
Before i knew it, i was absolutely enamored with the device in front of me, flying through candy crush levels like nobodies business. I was hitting bombs and breaking candies like nobodies business, my time on each level only getting shorter and shorter. On one particularly hard level the man finally spoke.
"Hey kid, you been in here awhile...wanna blow this joint and go do some...shennanigans?~" i looked up at his face to see a growing evil grin, anxiety clutched my heart at the mans words, thinking of what would happen if i left the room. For all know they could beat me, hurt me, torture me i didnt know these people. HELL THEY COULD EVEN TAKE AWAY MY CANDY CRUSH!!! I'd just found this game and i didnt want to lose it, not after falling in love so dearly.
"Uh...wont i get in trouble?"
"Dahhh no you'll be fine if anyone asks i'll say it was my idea" he joked making me smile a bit. I looked back at the screen clutching it, my hands shaking. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and forced out the next words.
"Alright...lets go...raise hell i guess"

A/n: heyyyy havent posted in awhile but figured id type out a quick chapter to keep yall going, looks like natasha's got some competition for #1 spot on y/n's love interest bet you didnt think you'd be getting a love triangle eh? Anygays i gotta head to sleep school tmrw and i wake up at 5 am cuz i hate myself see yall and have an amazing night 😘

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