Friends again?

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I slowly crawled out of the lab, utterly exhausted, the sun beginning to dip beyond the horizon. today had been so eventful, i was begginning to think i would never get out of there. the new information sat on my brain making me want to crawl into a hot shower and go to bed but apparently we still had things to do today because, clint went the opposite direction of where i knew the rooms were (during our time in the room they had given me a run down of the map of this fucking labrynth of a place.) his arm tugged me along, dragging my brother behind as we went. i waved goodbye to doctor banner and then we dissappeared down another hall.

"i still gotta get you your phone and then im hitting the sack, that nerd talk really kills your braincells idk how you and banner do it." he ran a hand over his face, groaning dramatically. we came to stop in front of a door, barton beginning to knock obnoxiously.

"NAT OPEN UP ITS YOUR FAVORITE CHILD!!!" he yelled, trying to sound as loud and whiny as possible. and the moment before she opened the door i could tell it was her because that scent that she always seemed to hand drifted through the air and into my nostrils creating a reaction in my body i wasnt so sure i liked. i shuffled around pulling at my collar to right it, moving my bangs out of my eyes and smelling my breath. i dont know why i did this but i was about halfway through moving a strand of hair when the door swung open, a husky gaze pinning me to the spot and freezing me halfway through fixing myself. 

"What do you want Clint?" her gaze slowly ran down my body making me shiver, darting quickly to the man and i couldnt help but notice how it flicked back to me once in awhile. 

"Hi! you have her phone right? good. she's your problem now!" with that he was gone in a flash. im gonna kill him. i turned back to her, pulling my brother a little closer, and waited for her to say something. it was awkward as memories of last time flooded into my head only making me the more nervous. the red haired woman said nothing, quirking her head backwards and silently telling me to come in. 

i followed after her like a lost puppy, motioning for andrew to sit on the couch in the corner while i went to get my phone. i rubbed my eyes sleepily, watching her go behind a desk to retrieve something before she came up again with a cellphone. she walked back around to me again holding it out for me to grab. but i couldnt, my entire body froze under her gaze, nervous and unable to react. she waited only for a second before letting out a huff. i felt my hand picked up and pried open forcefully. my hand was turned over and the device was placed delicately in my hand before she grabbed my shoulders, guiding me over to a filing cabinet. it shouldnt have made me so nervous, being forcefully guided around like a puppet on strings, but it did, and suddenly as she reached in front of me, her breasts pushing against my back, i felt a fluttery feeling in my tummy. needles of red hot desire shot down to my gut making it difficult to think very much, but before i knew it, she was handing me a file full of a few papers and some keys and turning me around guiding me back toward the door. she pulled it open pushing me through. 
"I'll show you two to your rooms, i assume you want to shower..." she trailed off and i felt immedately red knowing she was referring to my probable stink from weeks of not bathing. i was about ready to chew her out when suddenly i felt her breath on my ear, whispering words into them. 

"Once he's asleep i want to talk." 

then a tiny hand was guided to clasp around my own and immediately she was gone, taking her warmth with her. i felt those hands against my back, pushing me to guide my brother along. she walked ahead, and off we went twisting down halls. 


the door shut behind me as i leaned against it, huffing with flushed cheeks. what the fuck. my mind kept repeating this even as i stripped off my clothes, hopping into the shower. cold water down my back, i wasnt sure but i didnt dare use the warm water because i didnt know if that was allowed. i was used to the cold though, letting it soak into my muscles and soothe away the inflamation from a long day. then i popped out, shaking in pain as the adrenaline wore off and i slowly realized i was okay. at least for now. once the water finished washing away all the dirt and the soap was gone, i toweled off, pulling on clothes and stepping back into the room. 

"Hey showers free" i said with the towel still around my shoulder, i stepped out into the space, finding a brush on the night stand and began to brush through my hair. the floorboards creaked under my weight, slipping through the door un-noticed. 

Once again i was alone in the dark, shadows twisting around me like a hurricane, taking my breath away. i tried to find my way back to her before the dark became too much but when no light was there to guide the way, it was easy to lose yourself in the fear. the hallways stretched on for what seemed like hours, my heart started to clench again in that familliar feeling that came to me every time i was alone. it was painful, vision clouding. i could feel every fear beating against my brain, wanting to take me down with it. but i wouldnt let it, i counted the seconds, timing each step with each tic. 

suddenly, out of nowhere, something slammed into me. or rather, i slammed into it. the smell of her filled around me, immediately quelling the oncoming panic attack, letting my thoughts drift away once again. i felt her pick me up from the floor, muttering apologies in the darkness and then she intertwined our fingers, guiding me away. the sound of a door closing echoed in the now seeingly smaller space, a light flicking on. she took my dead weight body, planting me in a chair, going to make tea finally. I grabbed onto my shirt closing my vibrating hands around it, breathing out tiredly before opening my eyes just in time to watch her place a curious beverage on the table in front of me. 

"Here" the woman grumped out, god she was a real tool hey? 

"So you wanted to see me?" 

"Yes" she sat in front of me with tea of her own, sipping it idly and watching me with such severe intensity. my heart jumped again, staring down at my bare feet, something that was starting to become a very unfortunate habit.

"I wanted to apologize." i felt her cross her arms, looking away embarassed. what? i thought, confused. why was she apologizing to me? i couldnt remember anything she had done, a sudden cough brought me back to reality.

"Im the person you've been texting. sorry for not believing you werent a spy." she muttered angrily. i was too surprised to make a noise, just staring at her. i shook my head, waving off her apology. 

"No dont wave it off like its nothing. thats not fair to yourself." i felt hands grab my own, making me look at her. for a second time seemed to slow, a mystery melody playing in my ears whether it was my heart or the sound of her breath i know not. but i simply watched her, like a deer in headlights.

"Alright...well...i forgive you. i understand why you did it. we didnt and still dont know each other. you were just doing your job, so i understand..." i trailed off, blushing as i realized i had been rambling too much. my hands drew back like they touched hot oil,  silence stretching on around us. a low chuckle filled my ears, only increasing the temperature tenfold.

"Then lets start over. I'm Natasha. "

"Y/N Y/L/N good to finally meet you..."

A/n: woah 3 chapeters in one night? I musy be really feeling generous welp hope u enjoy just letting you know i have no schedule pretty much so these are put out whenever i deem the time is so that could be 3 chapters in one night or two chapters a month apart bc consistency is a bitch and i will never fuck her 💅😌💅

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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