Little Miss FBI

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I didnt think when the Unknown number suddenly stopped speaking to me, id figure theyd gotten bored and moved on like id been hoping. Albeit i was a little dissappointed, the life of an avenger is dreary and without constant new mental stimulation i found myself drifting to...places i didnt want to be. Being the black widow was difficult to say the least. I was constantly in the public eye always under watch which made it exceedingly difficult to have friendship of any kind.


Hey stranger you alive?

That little seen icon clutched at something in my heart but whatever that was, be it hate, jealousy, or a fear of abandonment, was quickly pushed down. They were nothing but a stranger in a crowd of faces, still i felt myself worry for the person id only talked to briefly. I sighed, 'guess nothing good lasts forever', and turned over to go to bed


The next day i was met with a pleasant surprise as i sat it a meeting.


Sup 50 year old man
Btw what can i call you if not your name?


You can call me nothing you shouldnt be talking to strangers online kid



Y/n changed contact name to nothing






Fine you can call me Red i guess


Aye aye capn🫡

Y/n changed contact name to Agent Red Rover

Agent red rover:

Whats with the red rover bit


Idk seemed cool, like the mars rover

Agent red rover:

Whatever kid, dont you have a job or college or something? You said youre 21 right you cant possibly have this much free time on your hands


Hey i have a job!!!

Agent red rover:

Sure what? Being unemployed


Nooo im a certified uh sleeper

Agent red rover:

PFFT yeah sure buddy



Agent red rover:

I am not


Yes you are im changing your name to meanie >:(

Y/n changed name to meanie


Okay okay fine ill stop teasing you
Jesus you are a child




Can you change my name back?




Why are you speaking german now?


Por que, yo quiero hablar aleman


Thats spanish stupid


>:P ill speak whatever language i want THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY


Nuh uh you dont have free speech


Who says?


Ur mom


Jokes on you my mom died in a car crash when i was 11 😎😎😎


Thats morbid


Morbid is my middle name

Anyways dont you have a job?

I do im just ignoring my responsibilities, im in a meeting right now and this dude wont stop rambling on "oh look at me im so cool im your boss and im gonna talk about all the bitches i fucked last night"


🤣🤣 should you be talking about your boss like that?

He's fine his ego is too big anyways

"Nat what are you doing?" The voice of Tony cut into my thoughts. My head shot up from my phone the smile quickly being replaced by a blank expression.
"I was checking my notifications."
I stated wuickly coming up with a believeable cover up, i knew i shouldve been honest because for all i knew i could be talking to a hydra agent but something about her made me want to keep her a secret. Just for now at least.
"Well pay attention this is very important information" i rolled my eyes at that, he just wanted to seem important.
"For the last five months we have been tracking poetential hydra operatives, however they are illusive and every attempt to hack their line has somehow been thwarted, this past week however we got a hit and are moving on..." his voice trailed off and i zoned out once more, this time maintaining an interested demeanor to make sure i didnt get caught not paying attention again. I didnt have time for this, i wanted to text her, i could feel the phone vibrating in my pocket over and over but miraculously resisted the urge to pick it up out of my pocket.


I groaned slamming my fist down on the mattress and shutting off the phone, giving up on texting her for now. I walked over to the water basin that lay shoved in a corner of the room, the dull light of the basment barely lighting up my face in the mirror. I inspected the strangle marks around my neck, grimacing when i brushed my fingers against them. More cuts and bruises littered different parts of my body, and the tank top i was wearing showed almost every scar i had. Hot red boils stretched all down my chest, making me want to throw up at the sight of them. Id gotten used to them but i would never love them. Looking closer you could see tinier scars on my face, a cut through my eye brow, a scar behind my ear. body was littered with them, ugly and attention seeking.

Shaking my head, i bent down and finally washed the dirt off my face it had been weeks since id cleaned myself last, allowing my brother all the hot water but currently he was out of commission and probably would be for a good while so i took a much needed sponge bath. I stripped down into just my boxers and dusty old sports bra and began washing my clothes. Glancing slightly at my body once in awhile but never staring for too long. I already knew what i looked like, my ribs shown through my shirt. Finally i finished cleaning my clothes and myself and pulled on the soggy wet t-shirt and pants that had millions of tiny holes from years of use. I looked behind me to see my little brother still asleep but breathing, god papa mustve knocked him out good it'd been a day and a half already. I walked over to him and sat beside him, my clothes imprinting in the sheets slightly. I brushed the sweaty hair out of his face then got to fixing his bandages, careful not the disturb the rods holding his leg together. After i tucked him back into bed i smiled down at him, i remember the day he was born but now look at him, so grown. Slowly i lowered down beside him, hissing as my neck ached and burned, and closed my eyes not sleeping but just laying there with him as he snored away.

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