Meet the Robinsons

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The bustle of the tower was booming around me the next day, able to be heard from all the way down into the cell me and andrew had decided to claim as ours. we had woken up that morning with an angry eye patch man staring at us, but he said nothing simply moving and leaving us alone with all the doors to our cell locked, though we didnt mind because we couldnt care less as long as we were together. somehow we had managed to find rocks that had scuttled in to our cell from somewhere outside and were currently using them as dice in an imaginary game when someone had walked in. familiar brunette hair peaked around the corner of the cell, staring at us through the bars and his blue eyes lit up in excitement as he saw me.

"Hey squirt so youre still kicking eh? thought fury woulda got rid of you by now!" i shivered at his dark tone, the connotations striking terror into my bones, however if he noticed the look of fear i gave he didnt say anything. 

"Alrighty, so basically fury said you guys are allowed out of your cell now so yay! fun times can commense!" the little evil giggle as he jiggled his keys around in the lock, popping it open, made me think that my definition of fun was wildly different from his. i stood in front of andrew, pushing him behind me, and shoved further back into the cell, looking along in horror as he only walked closer. 

"Dont come any closer!" i gasped out, my natural instinct kicking in. even though i trusted him i didnt trust him with andrew, he may have acted safe but i knew people could change up real quick. i saw his hands go up, muttering a quick apology.

"Sorry bout that didnt mean to scare you, just...follow me" he whispered, as if scared to make me terrified again. then he left out the door leaving it swung open in a wide arch. i look behind me concerned watching andrew asking silently if he was gonna join me. he simply nodded urging me forward, forcing me to folllow after hawkeye. the walk however didnt last long because before i knew it, he stopped, having me slam into his back. i yelped, feeling my brother slam into mine, and attempted to look around him toward what caused him to stop to find a man standing in the hallway not far off from me. i clutched onto andrews hand, pulling him completely behind me so that he could not be seen from his hiding place and then grabbed onto the back of hawkeyes shirt with my other hand, searching for some kind of comfort. 

" hawkeye? who's that?" i just heard a grunt muttering. 'well there goes our fun, mr "i hate fun" is here' then he claps his hand placing an obvious fake smile upon his face.

"Doctor Banner, nice to see you how's the family huh?" he looks at him confused, watching me curiously from behind.

"Clint i dont have a family you know that. who's that?" his facade dropped almost comedically, an annoyed little line coming to rest in between his eye brows. Clint? so that was his real name huh? i looked up at the slightly taller man, feeling completely lost in this conversation.

"The former prisoner now guest, im showing her around." he stated pulling me out and shoving me forward, accidentally breaking the grip i had on andrew. my heart thumped as i suddenly felt very exposed, the lack of the comforting hand making me want to curl up and die. 

"Ah i see. well hello little one im doctor banner." he smiled almost sweetly, stepping forward and sticking out his hand for me to shake, however i couldnt move, paralyzed in fear looking at his outstretched hand, i twiddled my thumbs anxiously. i looked at his face and back at his hand, then to my little brother, nervous energy evident in the way the ten year old shuffled his feet around. then i puffed up my cheeks and shook his hand with a firm grip that could break the hand of even the most strongest man.

"Names Y/N also i aint little! im 21 years old AN ADULT AND VERY CAPABLE OF DRINKING ALCOHOL THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" he simply chuckled before backing away again, looking at clint. 

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