Im not a spy!!!!

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My head was pounding, that wasn't new to me but it was still the first thing i noticed when i woke up. Next thing i noticed was that my bed was hard, harder than the cot i was used to which was saying something cause that damn thing felt harder than a stiffy in the early morning, which somehow lead me to a thought train of pp jokes that lasted for about twenty minutes before i was suddenly interrupted by a loud KERCHLUNK! Sounding to my right. My eyes snapped open, sitting up to see that like i had predicted i was not in the room i originally thought, i was in some form of holding cell. Every memory came rushing back. I stood up from my bed, only just noticing now that my hands were bonded. In strolled an all too familiar red head, the bitch that arrested me! I quickly grew defensive, both my hands pointing towards her because they couldnt seperate.

"YOU! YOU FUCKIN KIDNAPPED ME!" I quickly threw myself back against my wall, nervously looking around for anyone else who might suddenly pop up. She simply said nothing, strolling right up to my bed as i pushed further away from her and pulled a chair from beside it. This confused me, she twisted it around and sat on the thing back wards, just staring, as if she was trying to solve a puzzle. I was completely paralyzed, my hand laying clenched in my shirt, bunching up the dirty fabric.

"I have a few questions to ask" she simply said, glaring at me almost telling me to sit down, i didnt comply.
She sighed, giving up quite easily before starting her questioning.

"I need you to answer this truthfully, believe me we can tell if you dont. What connections do you have to hydra?" This caught me off guard, i kept silent, still watching her. 
"....What the fuck is a hydra?" I ask, still standing on my bed in the corner. My eyes stared at her calculatingly, who was she? Her demeanor and everything about her screamed familiarity but i couldnt put my finger on it. I slowly lowered down on the bed as she opened her mouth for another question.

"When we took your phone away there was alot of information on it that doesn't look too good on you now either your going to tell me what i want to hear or im going to get alot more mean" her gaze hardened, her look so cold it sent a shiver down my spine, making me utterly filled with anxiety. I broke eye contact to look around the room, desperately looking for some escape. Suddenly i felt my shirt being pulled forward. "Answer me! I know your lying you have to be otherwise why-" she hesitated, just holding my body suspended in the air,   her eyes were blank now of emotion, getting a far off look that made it hard to recognize what she was thinking.
I cleared my throat to bring her back to the present letting her speak.
"I have no clue what you're talking about i swear! I've never even left the house i dont know what hydra is!" I put up my hands in surrender, nervous beyond belief and simply wanting the bed to eat me alive. She brought her hand up and i flinched away expecting a blow but it never came. I felt the grip on me slack and i was dropped back down onto my bed, letting out a grunt. I heard her mutter something under her breath before she left through the door she came in from and i was alone again. I sighed sitting up on my knees, standing up off the bed. I walked over to the door, jimmying the handle a bit. Still locked, finally i settled back on my bed and tried not to slip back into sleep, the pain all over my body clouding in.

AN: sry for the short chapter i havent posted in awhile but i got the summer blues and serious writers block and am seriously so ready for school to start up again. Anyways if anyones reading feel free to vote it helps boost the book so more people can read it, as well uh please be patient with my shit schedule 🙏🙏🙏

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