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I woke with a start late in the night to find an empty dark room all around me. I dont when it got so late but the tv had been turned off and i seemed to be alone on the couch with a warm fluffy blanket tucked around me. The sound of soft snores permeated the space creating a welcoming atmosphere around me and a warm feeling cascaded over me almost akin to safety but that couldnt be it because i knew very well i wasnt safe here. i looked around for the familliar red head but found her to be nowhere in site which caused a wave of nervousness to sweep over my body. shivering i pulled the blanket tighter but now it no longer seemed to provide the same warmth, so with a huff i stood, lowering my bare feet carefully onto the floor and tapping away to go look for some form of comfort in the late night. i passed by a clock which read 2:30 am exactly, so that probably meant everyone was asleep. loneliness pressed in around me as my heart tugged me down and down and down, i didnt know where it was leading me but i could feel as if someone needed me. i felt along the dark walls for awhile, trying to remember where i'd seen that elevator earlier, however, stumbling around in the dark did me no good. 

"So what are you doing out of your cell ey kid?" shit. my heart practically dropped into my ass as a sudden arogant voice grated across my ears. i slowly turned, heart thumping wildly through my veins, and caught his features. The familiarity hit me almost immediately as i looked at this goateed man, my fist clenching in the fabric of my shorts.

"I was uh...lost looking for the bathroom?" i said awkwardly inching away, not that getting away was an option I LITERALLY COULDNT SEE SHIT! he simply sighed, putting his hands on his hips and watching me for a moment. 

"Mhm? well whatever, follow me, i was gonna go get you anyways." he stated which only made me even more confused. did i know him? no couldnt be he didnt strike me as anyone i knew but something about that voice just struck me. he led my down a set of stairs, taking my hand when i stumbled, (not without a grunt of dissaproval though) and took me down to a deeper level. we sort of walked for about ten minutes down winding hallways and through rocking elevators till he seemed to suddenly stop, humming in front of a door.

"Now fury wont like this, but we really cant seem to calm him down and if someone doesnt im afraid he's gonna bust open my 50 million dollar jailing system." he said, typing some words into a keyboard and swiping a keycard. i was about to ask who when the door opened up into another long hallway except this time it was bright. so bright i had to squint just to see. i stepped in, sort of twisting around to look at the large place with wonder. the left and right wall both had large jail cells which stretched on farther than i could see down the hall, the led's embedded in the floor seemed to jump in a dance, activated with each step i took. the brunette walked for a little longer before stopping in front of a cell and begginning to speak to someone inside. 

"You have a visitor" he beckoned me closer which only seemed to heighten my anxiety. my dad only ever called for me when he wanted to hurt me, i slowly inched forward, crawling along cautiously at a snails pace. this seemed to annoy him prompting him to snatch my arm, tugging me along. i flew into a panic at that, yelping into the echoing space.

"DONT TOUCH ME!!!" the fear was evident in my voice, as if id just witnessed a murder and knew i was next. then all there was was silence, he looked at me for a second, looking around before typing something into his watch and walking past me with a pat on my back.

"Have fun kid." i tried to settle my nerves, grabbing onto my own hand and violently picking at the skin looking for pain to ground myself. my head echoed loud agonizing thoughts, slowly drifting on by without my consent. 

"Y/N?" a tiny voice said, and i knew who it was immediately. i looked up in surprise, seeing my little brother's big brown eyes, staring right into me. i couldnt believe it was really him. a loud "OOMPF" left my lips as he slammed full force into my chest, knocking me over in the process. my back was sore now but i didnt care, id gone through worse if the disgusting still healing gash in my stomache was anything to go by.

"Youre alive! Oh my god im so glad!" he yelled squeakily, making me laugh, relief flooded me, pulling him up onto my lap as i grabbed his face immediately being grossed out at the amount of dirt he was covered in.

"Jesus youre filthy" i licked my finger, smudging away the dirt and soot like a mother hen. he groaned in annoyance shoving my hand away.

"Well i havent bathed in a few weeks!" he grumped scuttling away from me and out of my lap. 

"How did you escape?" he wondered, looking me over as if trying to find some explanation.

"i...had some help" i smiled remembering the vent crawler, then i looked back at him again.

"Have they been treating you well?"

"Yes, theyve fed me and kept me warm, but i havent had a moments rest since i got here. they never let me sleep and i havent heard anything about you in weeks i- i was worried that you..." he choked back a sob, unable to get the words back and just looked at the ground.

"That i was dead?" i finished solemnly, my heart clenching in pain. god i was a shitty older sibling, couldnt even protect my own brother.

"The last time i saw you, you had just gotten a knife in your gut." he just stated, i nodded going quiet and feeling lost. poor kid didnt deserve any of this.

"Theyre gonna get us out soon by the way."he whispered, my fingers picked at eachother drawing away more skin to result in blood. i didnt want to go back to him. i was terrified of it in fact. 

"I know but dont worry, ill figure something out, ill beg if i have to so they dont send us back. i promise." crawling back over to him, i sort of pulled him against my chest, moving over to his cell and climbing onto the bed. as i picked up his frail body, i could feel silent sobs, him clutching tightly to my shirt. my heart shattered listening to the utter pain that seemed to rattle him as he unraveled everything he'd been pushing down for the last few months. i muttered into his ear sweet nothings, calming him down as best as i could but he was inconsolable so i simply just held him, letting him listen to the sound of the ventillation system blowing cool air into the cell. slowly his sobs drifted into snores, drooling away on my shirt. this made me smile, i missed him so much. i pulled the blanket over us and followed shortly after, finding comfort in the soft tic of his heartbeat against my chest.

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