Chapter 1

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It's been exactly three months since the ball that changed Cody's life forever. Since the prince Obi-Wan of Stewjon caught his eye. The ginger was beautiful but also smart and witty and Cody loved it. King Qui-Gon encouraged his son's relationship with the mandalorian prince and three months later, Cody found himself married to Obi-Wan. He still couldn't believe his luck.

The stewjony prince was sitting next to him in the car that was to escort them to Mandalore. He had his hands folded in his lap and seemed to be unconsciously playing with the sleeve of his rich robes. He has already changed from the traditional dress he wore for the ceremony of their wedding. Cody thought he looked beautiful in both. But well, Cody could imagine Obi-Wan in dressed in rags looking just as beautiful. And he would look even better naked.

"You seem lost in thoughts," Cody commented, startling Obi-Wan. "Sorry, cyare, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine," Obi-Wan gave Cody one of his pretty smiles. "Did you need something?"

"I was just curious what you're thinking about. Os it our wedding night?" Cody asked with a teasing smirk, kissing Obi-Wan's neck gently. "I must admit I myself am very much looking forward to it."

"Then I can only hope I don't disappoint you," Obi-Wan, ever the tease, shifted closer to Cody, resting his head on Cody's shouler. It couldn't be very comfortable since Cody was wearing his armor but Obi-Wan didn't seem to mind.

"Obi-Wan, you can never disappoint me," Cody laughed, running his hand through Obi-Wan's hair. He was fascinated by his hair. It was incredibly soft and silky and had the most beautiful color Cody couldn't name. Illuminated by the bright sun, Obi-Wan's hair looked red while in darker settings, the color changed to a certain shade of brown Cody has never seen before. Whatever the color was, it contrasted just right with Obi-Wan's pale skin and striking blue eyes. Cody loved that man.

The mandalorians eagerly welcomed their future Mand'aor and his riduur. They were mandalorians after all. The ceremony happened in Stewjon and was a mix of mandalorian and stewjoni traditions but after they returned, there were proper mandalorian celebrations to be expected. Cody explained it to Obi-Wan before but Obi-Wan's eyes lit up in awe anyway as their car stopped in front of the entrance to Keldabe and they started walking through the city. It was a tradition done everytime there was a new addition to the royal family, the last time had been when Fox married Riyo.

Cody's entire family was present at the ceremony but they had left earlier solely for the purpose of waiting for them in front of the palace. It was insane. There were countless decorations on every single house, there were crowds of people cheering and shouting and waving. Cody and Obi-Wan slowly walked the way to the palace, smiling and occasionally waving back at the people. Mandalorians loved the traditional march.

On the end of their way was the entire royal family, the mand'alor being the first to greet them. "Congratulations, ad'ike," he brought Cody into a gentle mirshmure'cya before doing the same with Obi-Wan. Then everyone else followed with the congratulations, with the exception of Boba and Omega who were still learning to properly put words into sentences.

Then the public part ended, the people went to celebrate with their comrades while the huge royal family settled inside the palace for their private celebrations. It was big and loud because everything with the Fett family is.

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