Sister Chat

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"Listen, you got time but you gotta pick some shit ya'll two wanna eat, sister girl. This way, we can narrow it all down. I mean, I'll cook and have what you want, but you gotta give me some idea of the kind of cuisine you looking at. Cuz I got menus for all kinda occasions and shit." Roxy says, laying out a few dessert samples as I hold JJ close to my chest in his little carrier.

Lena had taken Noah to the beach to have a picnic and chat. Eventually we would talk to him together, but we knew how difficult this would and possibly would become harder.

My wife was livid. We both were, but she was quiet angry. And when Lena was quiet angry, that was never a good thing. This was something we would need to talk through, and get our son a lawyer. It would be easy for me and my wife to go to the fraternity and kill everyone. That's what we both wanted to do, but we couldn't.

We also couldn't tell the family what happened right now because once everyone got wind, no one at the frat house or school would be safe. No one. Eventually, we would sit the family down and tell them. Our son needed support, and he needed to know everyone was here for him, no matter what.

I had driven Baby Stef and Tasha to Roxy's to work a few hours. They liked making a little bit of money under the table, and they both loved hanging out with Tracey, Peaches, and Mama Rose. I didn't mind it as long as they did the work and helped in the way they were supposed to.

Despite the challenges they faced, from issues with their biological mothers, both of those girls were determined and making progress with their hard work.

"Y'all even pick a date yet, sister girl, or you still messing around?"

"No, we aren't messing around, hoe. And why you stressing it? It's not your fucking wedding the last time I checked." I snap as she looks at me, rearranging her platter.

"I ain't stressing shit. I'm just trying to push this shit along. Took YOU forever to ask her the first mother fucking time."

"What first fucking time. What?"

"When we were in Chow, dummy. It took you fucking forever to ask her to marry you. You were lollygaggin and shit. Playing around wit them other bitches pussies." She says laughing and I glare hard at her.

"First off, it didn't take me fucking forever. And by the time I felt that way about my wife, I wasn't fucking any other pussies. I asked her when it was right, bitch. And this time we are already married. I just wanted to have a wedding for the family and for my wife. We'll pick a month, so chill." I say and she leans on the counter, staring at me in the face. "What? Why are you all in my fucking face, Rox."

"What's up? I can tell some shit is wrong. And it's not me busting your ass."


"Don't act deaf, heifer. I said what's up. You seem even more mean than usual. I mean, if that's even at all possible and shit. What's got you all twisted and shit? It ain't Callie that I know. Unless there's some new shit going on, I'm not privy to. But you killing your little grandson's ears how you cursing me out."

"You know me so well? You just got me all fucking figured out, huh?"

"Yeah, bitch I do. I know you damn near 50 years. It ain't menopause either."

"I'm not 50 and I'm not in menopause." I say and she bursts out laughing when I see her lean even closer at me and shake her head.

"Keep telling yourself that. But that's beside the point, sister girl. What gives? Cuz no matter what you say, I know your ass. You got that look on your face."

"What fucking look?" I grab a cookie off the tray and bite into it.

"That look from way back. You haven't had that look in a bit. Not since you know that POS I ain't saying his name fucked up you and Mama Lion's house."

"How about you lay off and worry about your own wife and kid? How about that, huh?"

"Cuz I know some shit is up."

"Lay the fuck off Rox." I warn her as the door to the kitchen flings open and Tasha walks over to me, for which I am grateful.

"Yaya, can Baby Stef and I go to the movies later?"

"With who?" I ask, smiling at her as I gently rub JJ's back, feeling him move a bit.

"Mama Rose and Stuart. They are gonna see Bad Boys three."

"Oh no shit? I wanted to see that shit," Roxy says as Tasha looks at her and smiles.

"Come with us. I mean, that's if we can go. Tracey and Angela are going to." She says, looking at me and I smile.

"It's fine baby. Baby Stef okay back there?"

"Yes. She's talking to Tracey and Mama Rose back there and Peaches about her new song. Is Mama Lion coming soon?"

"She is sweets. She had some errands this morning. But she'll be here. But tell Mama Rosa you can go, but remember you gotta tell us what kinda cake you want for your birthday next month and what you wanna do, babe."

"Yeah. You gonna be the big 16. I'll make it real nice for you, Tash." Roxy says as I smile at my sister, hearing Tasha giggle. This little girl laughed and everything, but I'd take it over her being so distraught over her cunt of a mother. If I had met her back in Chow, I had ripped her ass apart. That is if Lena didn't get to her first.

"Mm a vegan chocolate."

"Christ. Mama Lion really got ya, huh?" I joke as she giggles at me again, nodding her head.

"It's good, Yaya. You should try it."

"Yeah well. Rox will make it for ya if that's what ya want. Speaking of which, I need to ask Tracey to die my fucking hair again. Tell her to come in here, Tash, when you got back there."

"Sis, you should just leave it at this point. You dying it like every three weeks. Your hair gonna start falling out. I'm telling you." Roxy says and I roll my eyes, biting into another cookie.

"Yeah, because this shit has me looking damn near fucking 80. I don't get how you have not one grey hair, wait, white hair, and I look like mother fucking goose."

"Genes sister, genes. Just like you getting them flashes and I get nada. Nothing." Roxy laughs as I feel Tasha play in my hair.

"You don't look old. Your beautiful Mom." She says smiling and I look over at her, grab her hand and kiss it.

"Thank you, my baby. And right back at ya." She blushes and I kiss her softly on her forehead. "Grab JJ's bottle out of the bag and heat it up for me sweets. And tell Trac to get her ass in here."

"Okay sure. But you know if Mama Lion was here, she'd get on you about cursing and say, "Stef, language." She giggles and I stare at her and raise my eyebrow, giving her a look so many of my kids knew the meaning of.

She laughs again and takes the bottle, heading to the back as I shake my head because all these kids of mine were a hot mess. Every single one of them.

"Them kids all try you sister girl." Roxy laughs, wiping down the counter.

"Yup, all of em. But not you, right my little boy? Mm? You won't talk back to your Yaya, right?" I say softly to little JJ as he coos and I kiss his soft head.

"Look, I won't get on ya ass. But, whatever it is you got laying on your mind, I ain't gonna worry because I'm sure you told ya wife. But I got ya back like always. Just take care of yourself sister girl. We all love you and all those kids do. That's all I'm saying."

"I am Rox. I am," I say, as she pats my hand and I softly kiss JJ's head, knowing what's on my mind, but I can't speak on it yet. But I will soon as Mama Rose walks over to me from the back of the cafe and hands me JJ's bottle. I smile at her and now she kisses my forehead.

"I love you, my Stefanie. Just so you know, and it's about time we catch up soon, too, baby."

"It is Mama. And I'd love that."

A Life Remembered (Hard Time Series-Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now