We'll Find Out

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"I mean, at least he told someone, Stef. So he must feel safe with Reverend Tess." Lena says to me as I place my reading glasses and look at this note for the second time that our son wrote.

"Yeah, I get that and all bit this is cryptic as fuck. This shit could mean anything, Len. Did he fucking kill someone, do drugs, what? What the fuck does he feel he needs to hide?"

"I don't know, baby, but try to watch your mouth. Some of us are learning how to talk," Lena whispers, gesturing towards Faith and Antoniette, who are quietly playing together on the floor in our bedroom. Sighing, I pull my reading glasses off and place them on my nightstand as she sits beside me, feeding JJ.

"Well, if he told Rev she won't tell us. So there's no use in me going down there and trying to grill the F...the hell out of her or try prying it out of her mouth. No use in that."

"Well, I don't think you'd do now anyway, honey. You went to her in confidence, too. I know you want to. I feel bad he feels he can't tell us. Or that he's so embarrassed."

"All these kids know they can talk to us. All of them. But we knew something wasn't right with him. Not not even Mike or Jude could get anything out of him. But weather he's embarrassed or not, we need to know what the hell he ran from, baby. I'm happy he's home, and found his passion and he is a big ass help, but I don't like not knowing. I don't, because all kinds of shit are going through my fucking brain. None of it pretty." I say, placing the note back in his Bible and look over at Faith and Netty, who continue to happily play together. Faith looks up at me giggling, and I wink at her.

"I know. A lot of things are running in my brain too, Stef. But, I don't think he's capable of killing someone, Right?"

"No love. No." I laugh."I think he might have either gotten kicked the fuck out, or maybe selling drugs or some shit. But then he's so nervous he doesn't seem like he'd do that shit. I don't know plagiarism? He's not as ballsy as Frankie or impulsive. I don't see that, anyway."

"Or what if someone hurt him, Stef? I know for a fact he wouldn't hurt a soul. He's so sensitive and kind I.." she trails off and I hear her voice crack. Looking at her now, tears run down her cheek and I gently squeeze her hand.

"Baby, it's okay. Don't cry love. It's really okay. Look, I'm pretty sure he didn't kill anyone because if he did Rev had told me. That's not really some shit she can keep to herself. We'll get it out of him. We just can't fucking bombard him, even if I wanna."

"Well, what if one of us took him out? He may feel less intimated if it's just one of us?"

"Yeah, maybe so. I can take him out. After Bible study, I can take him out and try to talk to him." I say and she looks over at me and nods his head.

"I think it's really special that you have Bible study together. I know it means a lot to him. But I hope he's not in trouble, Stef. He's a good kid, and he just got mixed up with that horrible girl. You think she has something to do with it?"

"She better hope not. We'll find out, okay? We will." I rub her hand again, but my heart breaks seeing the tears continue to run down my wife's face. Lena didn't cry often. But when she did, it killed me and ripped my heart open. Ever since our house had been vandalized, something in her had shifted a little. What I wasn't sure, and maybe she didn't know either.

"Stef, I don't know why I'm so emotional over everything lately. It's not like me. I didn't even cry this much in Chow."

"Aw, I know, my love. It's okay to be a sensitive lion, ya know? It's been a lot on us and you the past few months. And, as you once told me, crying is not an indication that you aren't strong. Sometimes, ya just got to let it out. I know you're worried about our son. I am too, but we will let him know that everything is okay and that we love him. No matter what. And it wouldn't be our children if they didn't do some shit that makes our fucking life complicated." I say as she laughs now and rests her head on my shoulder.

Kissing the top of her head, we hear JJ coo a little and we both look down and smile at him.

"See, even he agrees." I say, and Lens lifts her head up, looking over at me and smiling. "It will be okay, my queen. I promise." Winking at her, I lean in and softly kiss her lips. I knew my wife had a good amount on her mind, some she might not even be aware of, but I had to take some of the load off of her whether she agreed or not.

"Holy shit, it smells good in here!! Yaya's we are home!!" We hear Baby Stef yell from the kitchen and I shake my head, hearing Lena laugh again.

"I swear, her mouth, Len. I'm gonna whip it with my belt."

"Well, she's just like her Yaya. In the most endearing way."

"Yeah, that she is. Come, let's get dinner ready. Okay?"



A short one today but wanted to get something out to you guys! Happy Mother's Day!

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