my future.

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b.e. :

"here they are for the last time ever, ladies and gentlemen, the class of 2017!" the principal yells into the mic, making the room fill with whistles and proud parents cheering for their kids.

our whole class is standing in line on the stage, facing the crowd with big smiles on our faces. everyone is wearing their best clothes and the air smells like dozen different perfumes and sweat.

i'm still holding lane's hand while we walk through the busy school hallway for the last time. in addition to us graduating, today is also our second anniversary which we are gonna celebrate later today by going to the beach. lane actually has her bikinis under the beautiful dress she's wearing, and i'm gonna change right after the graduation ends so we can start having alone time right away.

lane's ring-covered fingers rub the palm of my hand comfortingly as we wait for permission to leave. we're here on lane's car because her parents couldn't come, and my parents came with finneas and claudia taking the whole car, so we'll just drive away as soon as we can.

"i think we can go now, baby." lane taps my hand to get my attention before leading me down the stairs and to the front door.

it's even sunnier than it was on the morning when we got ready. i can feel my body getting all hot and sweaty immedietaly when we walk outside and to the parking lot where lane has her dodge challenger parked.

- i bought that car for her, and every time i sit down on the passenger seat, even now, i feel the proudness bubble inside me. it's kinda cool to get your girlfriend her first car, and even cooler if it's one that costs 92 thousand dollars.

"how do you feel?" i ask lane, placing my hand on her exposed thigh as she gets to the highway.

lane shrughs, shaking her head a bit. "i don't really know, - maybe a little sad? i just wished my parents could've came."

i nod. lane's family doesn't have very much money and her parents are always working to try to have enough. lane has three younger siblings which makes their family situation even harder and on the hardest times, they have even borrowed some money from my family. 

"we both know they would've wanted to come." i comfort lane, still rubbing her thigh. she keeps her eyes on the road but takes one hand away from the wheel, linking our fingers together and pressing a gentle kiss on the top of my hand.

"yeah. i think they really wanted to."


the graduation ended only 45 minutes ago and we've already layed on the beach for a while. lane's currently laying with her head on my chest, hands wrapped around my waist and one leg between my thighs. the sunny weather and comfy position makes us both sleepy and i'm almost sure that her eyes are closed behind the big sunglasses she's wearing.

"baby?" i whisper, moving my hand from her ass to gently pet her messy hair that still smells like the hairspray she used this morning.

lane raises her head a bit, making me chuckle at her cuteness. "mmh?" she asks.

"i was just checking if you're sleeping." i tell her as she clings closer to me, resting her head on top of me again with her nose pressed against my other boob while she moves her legs on both sides of me.

"almost.." she mumbles against me, blowing cold air onto my hot skin and making goosebumps run all over my body.

she's so freaking cute when she's sleepy.

"go to sleep honey. you're so tired." i tell lane, while looking down at her, taking in all her beauty. the way her hair looks on the messy bun, the way her eyebrows are slightly squeezed together, the way she smiles at me and the way her body looks.

she's so beautiful i sometimes have to pinch myself for a reminder that this is actually my life and she's all mine.

"mmhh. love you."

"i love you too, princess."


"can you sing something?" lane whispers after a little silence. apparently she didn't fall asleep yet and i know that singing always makes it easier for her. my heart warms and a wide smile grows on my lips. her heartbeat is calm and slow as i move us to a better position where i can sing and she's even closer to me than before.

lane's almost thrifting to sleep before i even start. she's letting out those adorable little sleepy sounds little kids make, - yeah, she still does them. i rub both of her arms while coughing a couple times to open my voice.

can't you hear me,
i'm not comin' home

do you understand?
i've changed my plans

'cause i, i'm in love
with my future
can't wait to meet her

and i, i'm in love
but not with anybody else-

"that's not true though, i'm in love with you." i whisper between the lyrics, pressing a gentle kiss on the sleeping girls forehead.

i know supposedly i'm lonely right now

know i'm supposed to be unhappy
without someone

but aren't i someone?

i'd like to be your answer
'cause you're so handsome

but i,
i'm in love,
with my future.

"you're my future." i whisper to the sleeping girl again as the song ends. "and i'm in love with you. so fucking freaking in love with you."


921 words.
written in may 2024.
inspired by the song 'my future'.

this kinda reminds me of sunflowers and late nights.

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