i love you so.

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"welcome to the show, billie eilish!" jimmy fallon yells. as billie sat down and gave the crowd a wide smile, they all cheered loudly.

even though billie had been in countless interviews before, she still felt nervous before every single one. she was scared about people's opinions about her, the things she says, and the things she wears. especially tonight, since she's wearing a tight skirt. even though she styled it with a big shirt to give herself some peace of mind, the outfit was still pretty revealing and unusual for her.

"first of all, you look fantastic." jimmy smiles. - it's almost like he can read billie's mind, and see that she needed to hear that. "but this isn't your usual style, is it?"

"no, it totally isn't. this is actually something my lovely girlfriend suggested me to wear, since she loves it whenever i wear anything more feminine, skirts or dresses for example." billie started. it was clear that every time the conversation turned to her girlfriend, y/n, she relaxed.

"you and your girlfriend have actually been a hot topic lately, haven't you?"

"really?" billie raised her eyebrow. even though she was active in social media, she didn't often want to know what people were saying about her, - just to protect her sensitive feelings.

jimmy smiled again. "yes. i actually have some questions- actually before we continue, i just want to make sure you're okay with talking about your relantionship with y/n publicly?"

"oh, of course. thank you for asking."

even if interviews made billie nervous, the ones with jimmy fallon were always fun, and she felt herself relaxing as he made it clear this was a safe space for billie. unlike other interviewers, he didn't force billie to talk about sensitive topics and made sure to never make her uncomfortable.

who wouldn't love jimmy fallon?

after a while of just chit-chatting, the conversation turned back to y/n. as it did, everyone following the interview could notice how billie's cheeks lit up and her lips turned into a sweet smile.

"so, you and your girlfriend have been dating for a while, but the way you guys met is still a big secret for us." jimmy grinned. as billie blushed a little, he leaned back in his chair. "so, how did that happen?"

"this is a very embarassing story." billie warned the live audience with a smirk before continuing. "the first time we met was at the oscars. her job there was to make sure every performancer was okay and ready and stuff, and i had some struggle with my dress, so she had to come help me."

as the image of her trying to fit in a tight dress that night hit her, billie smiled to herself as she remembered how embarassed she felt, and how grateful she was for y/n's help.

she leaned against the table in front of her. as the words flew out of her mouth, billie found herself smiling multiple times at the thought of y/n, and the way she was so polite, yet helpful and handled the situation like a professional.

"she obviously knew who i was but i had no idea who she was, so i was basically half-naked in front of a stranger who thankfully helped me into my dress in time." she smiled. "nowadays it's a fun story to tell, but at that time it was very embarassing and i remember hoping to never meet that girl again. - yet here i am, talking about her as my girlfriend."

the crowd cheered, and jimmy raised a brow with a wide grin on his face. "you guys are very cute."

"thank you, jimmy."

during the interview, either of them would bring up y/n every now and then, which always made billie smile. the topic was safe and comfortable, it made her feel good and the space between her and the crowd seemed to close on the best way possible. billie talked with a couple of fans, and jimmy constantly kept asking for opinions from the crowd to keep them entertained. - it was almost like hanging out with a big group of friends and family.

when you have fun, time flies, and soon it was time to end the interview. jimmy stood up with billie on his side, asking for a permission to touch her before resting his hand on her shoulder.

"thank you so much for attending, billie."

billie grinned. "thank you for inviting me. to be honest, i was pretty nervous about this but i ended up having a great time."

the two of them shared a hug.

even though fame sometimes felt tough, these moments of connection with fans and hostes made it all worth it. for a moment it wasn't a job for billie—it was chill and fun. it made her happy to not feel like a big celebrity, but like someone who's on the same level as everybody else.

"billie eilish, everyone!" jimmy yelled. and the crowd cheered for her as she got all blushy and kept thanking them.

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