all the good girls go to hell.

768 12 4

trigger warnings :
- smoking



"oh my god, will this class ever end?" billie sighs and throws her head back in frustaration. i give her a sympathic look and a little squeeze on her thigh before turning back to my work.

we're currently writing notes in the first class of the week. maths at 8am on a monday morning, - definetely not the best combo. and we kind of had a sleepover with billie last night, which means we slept for like an hour and are both still half asleep.

after a while of writing notes, billie turns to me, grabbing a lighter from her pocket and showing it to me questioningly. "wanna go for a smoke?" she whispers.

i smile as i nod, and follow her through the empty hallways until we reach the back door. - we're definetely not allowed to smoke at school, but we've got a little place right here, behind the building where no on can see us.

i take in couple deep breaths as we walk outside. today, the weather is rainy and cold, - it kinda gives twilight vibes. the air smells fresh as billie sits onto the ground, patting the space between her legs, signalizing me to sit there.

i sit down and lean onto billie, her front pressing tightly against my back as she puts her head on my shoulder and lights my cigarette. "there you go, baby."

i smile, blowing the smoke out. "thank you."

billie lights her own smoke too before moving us to a more comfortable, laying position. i give her neck couple kisses as she moves her free hand around my waist, cuddling closer to me.

there's something about this, about us. i wouldn't lay on the grass, smoking and cuddling at 8am with anyone else. billie has just kinda made me.. a little crazy. she has really taught me how to just enjoy life, have fun and not care about stupid things so much.

i'm so grateful of her.

my fingers trace the outlines of the tattoo in the middle of billie's chest over her shirt as she lays on the ground. her own hand is resting on my stomach, her breathing pretty heavy. her hand's so securely around me, that i can feel the warmth of her cigarette just inches away from the skin of my waist.

"you know that i love you, right?" i whisper with the smoke blowing out of my mouth, right onto billie's neck.

i turn a little so i can see her beautiful face better. - her black hair is cutely falling onto her face, covering all the summer-freckles and her peacefully closed eyes. the sight makes a little smile creep on my face as i press a quick kiss on her cheek.

"i love you too." billie whispers back. "so much."

471 words.
written in may 2024.


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