what was i made for?

837 12 2

billie is so adorable
happiness suits her so well.

this chapter is not written to
make anyone feel uncomfortable.


"and the grammy goes to... billie eilish!"

i watch closely at the tv screen as the whole crowd goes crazy. suddenly the room is filled with the sound of hundreds of people applausing and whistling at me.

the camera moves to me. i'm standing there with both of my shaky hands over my mouth. my whole face is red out of excitement, and through the speakers i can hear how i'm basically screaming myself too.

finneas is standing on my other, and ava on my other side. they are both clearly crying out of happiness as they pull me into countless hugs (and kisses from ava) and clap their hands.

i pull ava even closer to me on on my lap as the camera moves to film the stage that me and finneas are currently getting on. my steps are unsteady as i make my way to the microphone and stop there, smiling more widely than ever.

my eyes are still glued to the screen while ava turns up the volume and leans back to my chest, placing a quick kiss on my cheek before turning back to the tv.

on the screen i look down at the award in my hands before chuckling a bit. "whoa- whoah."

"my goodness.. damn."

me and ava both laugh as i just keep saying single words and looking back at the grammy resting on my hands.

"i'm shocked out of balls..."

i immedietaly burst into laughter and as i turn to look at ava, she's almost crying with her head in her hands as she shakes due to laughing.

as she laughs, she stops the video because both of us are way too focused to laughing right now, - and wwimf that i'm now starting to perform on the screen is not really the vibe for this situation.

"did- i- really- say that?" i ask between laughs. shark, who's laying on the floor, is getting a little confused of why i'm laughing so hard so i pet him gently as i wait for ava to calm down enough to answer.

ava wipes her eyes a bit before looking back at me. "y- yeah. i remember laughing so hard in the crowd." she hiccups and if possible, she crawls even closer to me to rest her head on my still flexing stomach.

"god. - i was so crazy." i giggle into ava's hair. i smile as my fingers travel on her skin, - it's all hot and clammy from laughing so hard and that makes me so happy.

i love seeing my girl happy even after everything she's gone through in these last 17 years we've spent together.

"we were so crazy when we were young."

"ewww stop." i playfully smack ava's ass, earning a loud chuckle and furrowed eyebrows.

"what was that for?"

i roll my eyes at ava. "you basically called us old."

ava knows how terrified i am of getting older. as a teenager and a young, successful singer in her 20's aging brings up different emotions than now.

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