EWW can't believe I did that: Chapter 3

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Caroline's P.O.V

her word is repeating in my head what are you doing here, what am i doing here?

"I Don't know" i tell her honestly.

"You need to get back to bed" what's with her and this bed.

I start to walk towards my hospital room with my arm cross with her falling behind me, I walk in the room and sit on the bed and watch as she closes the door.

she can't know, she can't know I have it.

looking to see if the nurse is out of my eye view, i look down and pull out the blood bag I took.

why does it smell so good? and why to do I feel compelled to drink it?, without thinking I start to drink it,

OMG I'm drinking blood, Caroline what are you doing.

I end up gagging and throwing it on the floor, trying to cough up what I just did, feeling overwhelmed that my mind just made me drink human blood.

I turn to look at where I just throw the blood bag, I see it leaking on the floor.

why do I want that blood so bad?, I shouldn't want blood but I can't help myself, I go to the floor where the blood bag was and start drinking it again, it tastes so good, it like the best thing I've ever drank, I couldn't help myself, so I drink more and more and more while squeezing the blood bag leaving nothing in it.

I just drank blood, why did I do that; I need to go to bed this is all just a nightmare, I turn to the bed and craw back in and laydown.

what wrong with me?

No one P.O.V

As Caroline drifts back into slumber, a radiant light emanates from both sides of her arms, revealing a skull on her left arm, while her right arm bears the mark of angelic wings.

what could this mean for little Caroline and what could be happing to her in her sleep right now? 


3 P.O.V

at the carnival

Stefan and Damon are watching mason fight a boy behind the car, Damon compelled a boy to fight mason young nephew Tyler to see what they were but mason came out of no where.


back at the hospital 

"Open your eyes, child," whispers filled the night and reached the dreams of a young blond girl laying asleep in the hospital bed. Tossing and turning, she heard the voice urging her to scream.

'no..no I can't" I can't let them know; the young girl whispered


at a hotel 

music can be heard playing in the background "you can't be sad I'm an early bird, it's 10 o'clock before I say a word" and as the music is playing so is a young-looking girl dancing around and drinking alcohol in her hotel room 

Kathrin Pearce

"Baby, i can .never tell how do you sleep so well?"

you keep tellin' me to live right"


back at the hospital 

"Let them hear you pain, child".

"NO... THEY CAN'T KNOW..... please," the young girl cried in her sleep, tossing and turning.

they can't know how weak I am, she whispered to herself

"Weak.... WEAK you, child, you are not weak. You will be the strongest creature on earth. It is wanted you were born to be and became. You will be peace and chaos, you will be loved and hated, you will be respected but feared, you will be my most proud creation"

"All you have to do child is scream, scream little firefly.... scream"

Despite feeling the pain in her mind and body, the girl resisted, pleading for it to stop. "no I won't, please stop"

The voice grew louder, demanding that she scream her death. "LET THEM HEAR YOUR PAIN, LET ME HEAR YOUR DEATH"

Unable to hold it in any longer, the girl's eyes shot open and with that, a piercing scream escaped her lips. "AHHHUGGGGGGGG!"


3 p.o.v

in the night sky the supernatural in mistic fall hears the young girls scream 


Stefan and Damon watching the Lockwood hear a sound from behind sothey turn around only to drop hold their head screaming out in pain while blood goes down their faces.


Kathrina in the hotel turns down the music as she hears her window moving.

she look at the window, seeing the window glass moving she moves closer only for it to shatter, letting in a piercing scream from the outside, make her drop to the floor holding her head screaming in pains as blood comes out of her eyes two


in the parking lot mason help his nephew up and then out of nowhere both the Lockwood drops to the floor just after the Salvotore's holding their head trying to block out the scream that they could hear in the night sky, as they try hard to block it out, they couldn't so they did the only thing human would do if they felt pain 

they scream


and with what Her eyes glowed a fiery red, bring all supernatural's in a mystic fall down on their knees, alerting them that something unknown is in mystic fall and is hungry, hungry for revenge.

and with what Her eyes glowed a fiery red, bring all supernatural's in a mystic fall down on their knees, alerting them that something unknown is in mystic fall and is hungry, hungry for revenge

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