He's not making it home: Chatper 6

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Caroline p.o.v

I walk around the carnival trying to not eat everyone in sight. My hunger is growing stronger and stronger. I need to feed before I hurt someone I love. I walk behind the school, getting away from everyone until I smelt it.... blood.

Someone bleeding. I look to my left and see a boy wiping his nose, smelling the blood coming from him. I look closer to see red coming out of his nose


"I'm sorry," feeling the guilt as I look at his face

" What" he says in confused and worried as he sees the painful look on my face. "Hey is everything okay?"

"no" I shake my head to the left and the right.

I can't do this

"I need you to run," I tell him

"WHAT" he yelled, not hearing me

"I NEED YOU TO RUN" as I scream the words, I can feel my face change from normal face to my vampire face

I watched in sadness as the boy back away in fear. "wh....what are you" I hear his voice stutter the word

"I need you to run NOW" I say in a pleading tone, trying to hold myself back from killing him

I watch as he moves back slowly three steps, then turns and runs. I hear the fear in his voice as he breathes in and out. I hear his blood pumping through his vein and his heart beating faster.

the smell..Caroline, control yourself... you can do this, I tell myself.

3 p.o.v

As Caroline is trying to control herself, the boy that's named carter was running for his life but he made the dumb decision on looking back behind him, making him fall and scraping his hands and knees

carolines p.o.v

just as I'm about to control it, it was then I smell it.... more blood

I look up and see the boy on the ground with blood going down his legs and harms. Look him up and down. I feel my face changing slowly, smelling the blood.

looking back up, I was met with the sight of the boy's face and lock eyes with his hurried eyes.

feeling compelled, I slowly walk toward him

one step

3 P.O.V

Carter knew he Mest up when he looked behind him, making him fall because when he looks up, he locked eyes with the devil. All he could feel was nothing but true terror

carter watch as she tries to stop herself but seen the fight in her eyes slowly go away and giving up that when cater knew tonight, he wasn't making it home

and with that, she moved

"ahhhuuuuuuggg" cater screams as he feels his neck get ripped out and then nothing but darkness.

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