the lake: chapter 9

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few hours later 


Cheering could be heard out in the wood near the water, kids swinging on the tree swing jumping into the water 

"Hey, is it just me or did Aimee Bradly's ass get hot" Tyler question matt next to the truck

matt shake his head at his best friends Tyler "all class, all class" was all he said 

Tyler looks around looking for one person but weirdly not seeing them at something they would normally go to, turning back to matt " where's Forbes"

matt sigh and says "I wish I knew" looks around to see if he can find her

" you guys on the outs already?" matt hears Tyler asked him

"No, were fine, I'm fine. I'm just not sure where she is" matt tells Tyler and then look out into the water, hearing a car matt looks behind him only to see a black truck coming in 

"What your uncle doing he" matt look at Tyler for an Anwaar

tyle looks at what matt looking at "I don't know" looking at his uncle, he moves from matt and walk to his uncle's truck 

Tyler walking to his uncle " are busting us, or are you joining us?"

masons shake his head "neither you make sure everyone's out of here by dark"

looking at his uncle confused "What happens after dark?"

"Someone ends up wasted and dead at the bottom of the lake"

all Tyler dose is chuckles at his uncle and the get cut off my mason "you heard your mum. the family liable"

Tyler shaking his head "don't be a party-killer"

mason dose a little smile and say " I didn't say to stop partying, i said to take it elsewhere"

Tyler finally agreeing with his uncle just says, "all right, we'll be out of here" and walk away as his uncle drive away  

as mason drive away he makes eyes contact with Stefan


Caroline and Stefan 3p.o.v

Caroline squints her eyes at Stefan after watching him watch Tyler uncle like a hawk "why are you looking at him with your serious vampire look?"

Stefan looks at Caroline and back at the kids running around only to move is back to Caroline fast as lighting " My what?..My serious vampire look?" 

Caroline looks up at Stefan "Mm-hm, it's different from your worried vampire look" and turn back to the car boot pulling stuff out.  "Neither stray too far from you 'hey, it's Tuesday' look" moving back from the car she closes the boot

"Oh. I get it, okay you think I'm, uh-, you think I'm too serios, that it?" Stefan faces Caroline while talking in a joking voice making Caroline smile.

"I mean, I wasn't Ganna say it like that, but..." Caroline gives Stefan a cheeky smile and start to walk away 

"Hmm" Stefan follow after her 

Stefan and Caroline Walked to the lake party and decided to stay here for a little bit


nighttime at the lake party

Crowd chattering

"We gotta get out of here" woman 1 said

"We gotta move the party" woman 2 said

"Come on, guys. Tyler wants us out of here" man said

Caroline turns to Stefan as both of them are walking towards matt "he's mad at me"

Stefan stops and turn Caroline and nod his head as if she can do this "go talk to him" Stefan gives Caroline a soft smile

"I'll wait" after saying that his cell phone starts to ring making him look up at Caroline 

"give me a second" he walks away from Caroline and answers the phone 


"Hey, we've learned some stuff here and i know it's gonna sound crazy but i wanted to fill you in" Elena tell Stefan throw the phone 

"what's up?" 

as Stefan is on the phone Caroline is talking to matt Donavon.


zoom in on matt and Caroline 


"Still mad?" Caroline look at matt with sadness in her eyes

"I thought we were past all this insecurity stuff, Caroline. i told you how i felt what more do you need?" matt tell Caroline

" Nothing, nothing I--" Caroline struggling with her words walk up and put her hand on matt shoulders " I don't need anything else, I'm sorry, matt. I'm so sorry, I'm so,so,so sorry" shaking her head 

"I'm not kidding" matt shakes his head at her in disappointment " I'm not gonna put up with the drama"

Caroline quickly shuts matt down and tells him "no, no more drama" putting her hand on the side of his face bring it closer to hers looking him in the eyes with softness " just--i promise. Just-" Caroline give matt lips one look and then couldn't help herself  but smash her lips on to his and then pulling back

"Just this" Caroline whisper against his lips and reconnect their lips together both kissing passonantly, matt push back with a smile and say" come on" pulling Caroline with him as she follows his

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ back to Stefan on the phone with Elena 

"I don't know what is means, or if we should even believe it's a full moon, Stefan after what you saw Mason Lockwood do-" Elena tell Stefan

"I'll be careful" Stefen cute off Elena 

Elena sigh thought the phone "there's one more thing"

confused overcome Stefen "what is it?"

"According to the legend, a werewolf bite can kill a vampire" after hearing that Stefan head look up for Caroline Strat away, not seeing her at all, freaking out, he tells Elena "Listen, um, i gotta go."

just before Elena can say anything Stefan hang up the phone and starts to call Caroline

only to hear her phone close by, so he follows the sound only for it to be in Caroline bag with no Caroline near it,

he looks around franticly and start to run in the Foriest in normal human speed  

in the middle of the Foriest stand Stefan listening in trying to find Caroline but getting a shocking sound through his eyes was the sound of growling nearby and with that he followed the sound.

finding a car in the middle of the wood but not just any car mason Lockwood black truck. 

Stefan walks closer toward it, looking down at the dirt he sees clawer marks as he looks down at it a thing in the Coner off his eyes go by like vampire speed 

making Stefan look up walk towards the boot slowly, only for his foot to hit changes that are tied to a tree.

as Stefan look at the changes, a thud in the truck is heard and makes Stefen alerted about what might be in the boot, he drops the changes and walk around the car looking through the windows

only to stop when he sees glow orange eyes and growling coming from the creature inside the dark car

Stefen step back in fright and watches the wolf inside the boot but suddenly out of no where the window shatter into million peace with the wolf going Strat for Stefan knocking him on the ground then running off into the wood

Stefan speed up fast and goes looking for Caroline

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