chapter 14

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carolines P.O.V

It's been half an hour since our conversation and the two vampires whisper to each other now and again but me and Elena stay quiet. "I'm scared." Elena whispers to me and I squeeze her hand. "We'll be okay." I tell her but I have no idea what Damon and Stefan are walking in to.

"He's here! This was a mistake." Trevor suddenly exclaims as he rushes back into the room and Elena looks at me fearfully. "No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." Rose replies. "No, he wants me dead, Rose!" Trevor exclaims. Rose shakes her head and gestures to me and Elena. "He wants the girl more."

"Who doesn't?" I whisper lowly. "I can't do this." Trevor repeats again, panicking. "You hand them over, he'll have mercy on you but I need to leave now!" Rose shakes her head and moves closer to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Hey! What are we?" She asks in a soft tone.

"We're family...forever." Trevor whispers with his eyes shut tight. He snaps them open when a knock on the door echoes throughout the abandoned house. I sit up in my seat, my eyes bouncing between the two of them. "You're scared." I say in realisation. "Stay here with them and be quiet." Rose ignores what I said and walks out of the room, towards the front door

I sit on the arm of the couch waiting as Elena paces in front of me scared. I hear footsteps and look up to see a handsome man in a tailored suit at the top of the stairs. His eyes instantly land on Elena and he vamp-speeds down in front of her making her gasp.'

She trembles as he moves his head towards her neck and breathes in. "Human? Impossible." He mutters before taking a small step back before he freezes and his eyes dart to mine. I stay still as he speeds in front of me, looking down at my attire.

"We have a long journey ahead of us, we should probably get going." He says not taking his eyes off of mine, but I see Elena's eye widen fearfully. "Please don't let him take us." She begs to Rose.

Choosing to ignore her plea, Elijah fixates his gaze on Rose and Trevor. "One last piece of business and we're done." He says walking towards a slightly terrified Trevor as Elena stumbles over to me, gripping my hand tightly. "I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly very sorry." Trevor stutters as Elijah remains silent and continues to take slow, threatening steps towards him.

"Oh no, your apology is not necessary." He reassures with a small smile. "Yes, it is." Trevor insists. "You trusted me with Katerina, and I failed you." He continues. "Okay, yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you." Elijah states calmly before he takes another step towards him

"Where was your loyalty?" He asks as Trevor diverts his gaze to the floor. "I beg your forgiveness." He whispers. "So granted." Elijah says calmly. Trevor smiles and let's out a deep sigh of relief but that is short lived when Elijah raises his hand and removes his head clean of his shoulders.

Rose and Elena screamed as I just watch in silent shock as Trevor's head rolls across the floor. "You." Rose speaks through gritted teeth as she takes a step forward to try and attack Elijah. "Don't, Rose." Elijah warns. "Now that you are free..." his threatening tone causes Rose to freeze on the spot as Elijah turns his attention to me and Elena. "Come." He orders.

"No." I refuse firmly and watch Elijah's eyes light up at my stubbornness. "What about the moonstone?" Elena blurts making me look at her incredulously. "Elena!" I scold. "What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah questions curiously. "We know where it is and we can help you get it." Elena tells him.

"Tell me where it is." Elijah insists and I shake my head. "No, it doesn't work that way." I refuse again and Elijah looks at me impressed. "Are you negotiating with me?" He asks amused before he looks at Rose. "It's the first I've heard of it." She defends.

Elijah looks back at me as I look at him unwavering while I feel Elena's hand shake in my grip. He speeds back in front of me making Elena gasp and I just raise my eyebrow at him. "Where is it?" He asks, trying to compel me. "Yeah, that doesn't work on me." I tell him and he looks at me shocked.

can he not smell the vampire on me?

"Why...?" He trails off before he looks at Elena and see the necklace around her neck. "What is this vervain doing around your neck?" He asks before gripping the necklace and throwing it across the room. I sigh in annoyance as Elijah looks at Elena. "Tell me where it is." He compels her

"In the tomb, underneath the church ruins." Elena answers monotone. "What's it doing there?" He compels her again. "It's with Kathrine." Elena answers and Elijah nods his head, and amused smirk on his lips as he looks back at me. "Interesting." He mutters, stepping back.

Suddenly, glass starts to break in the entrance of the house making Elijah turn his attention to Rose. "What is that?" He questions. "I don't know." Rose answers with a shrug of her shoulders. "Who else is in the house?" He asks sternly. "I don't know." Rose repeats truthfully, shaking her head. My lips tilt up as I know exactly who it is.

Elijah grips Elena's forearm tightly and takes my wrist gently before dragging us up the stairs, towards the front door as Rose follows close behind. Blurred figures speed around the room and Elijah roughly pushes Elena into Roses grip as he keeps me in his. "Rose." He says warningly.

"I don't know who it is!" Rose exclaims. "Up here." Damon says and Elijah rushes up the stairs in a flash. "Down here." Stefan calls before a thin stake is pierced through Elijah's hand.

I gasp when my back is pressed against the wall and my eyes meet my favourite bright blue ones that i hate, he presses his finger to his lips, telling me to keep quiet as Elijah speaks up.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me, you can't. Do you hear that?" He says as he slowly makes his way up the stairs. "I repeat, you cannot beat me. So, I want the girls on the count of three or heads will roll."

"We'll come with you." Elena blurts as she steps out in view of Elijah. "Just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help us." She tells him. Elijah vamp-speeds in front of her, to the top of the stairs. "Where's the blond girl?. What game are you playing with me?" He asks curiously.

Elena quickly pulls the pin out of something and launches it towards Elijah's face. It exposes in an instance which causes Elijah to let out a cry of pain. We all watch as he heals almost instantly and advances towards Elena, anger evident on his face.

Stefan rushes out and fires stakes out of the compressed air weapon that he got from Alaric, only Elijah doesn't seem fazed by it as he continues to stalk his way up the stairs. Stefan throws the weapon on the floor and launches himself at Elijah before they both tumble down the stairs.

Elijah instantly jumps to his feet and made a move to stake Stefan but Damon doesn't give him the chance as he appears in a flash and stake a broken coat rack deep into Elijah's heart before pushing him against one of the front doors. His skin starts to desiccate, grey and blue veins appear all over his limp body as his eyes remain open and wide.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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