chapter 12

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3 P.O.V

Stefan and Damon both stand by the doorway of the Lockwood house that leads out into the gardens. Both of them constantly looking around for Kathrine. "Do you see her?" Damon asks, still looking over all the guests. "Nope. You sure you can do this?" Stefan ask him making Damon look at him like I've grown an extra head.

"Who are you talking too?" Damon inquires, glaring at Stefan before turning back to the crowd to search for her. "You might have hesitated but I won't." He tells stefan. "You've spent one hundred and forty years in love with her. I didn't." stefan argue, glancing at Damon

time skip

Stefan P.O.V

Me and Damon hide in the room that Bonnie had spelled as we wait for Caroline to lead Kathrine up to us. Both look each other as we hear the voice of caroline "Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it." I hear Caroline say tearfully.

"Shut up!" Kathrine snaps back at her. "Which room is it?" She asks and I'm assuming Caroline points to the room we are in. "That one." She mumbles. Kathrine immediately storms into the room whilst Caroline stays outside. "Where is she?" Kathrine asks, looking around for Bonnie.

Caroline starts giggling with a huge smile on her face, no sign of any tears. "I didn't think I'd be able to fool you, but I did it." She praises herself. Kathrine suddenly lunges at her but bounces back from the invisible wall that Bonnie had put up. "What the...?" Kathrine trails off confused as Caroline looks at her smugly.

"Stefan?" Kathrine growls as I step out behind her. "Hello Kathrine." I greet, already hating being in the same room as her. "Goodbye, Kathrine." Caroline says with a wave of her fingers before walking away from the room. Kathrine turns around to face me and smiles when she sees the wooden stake in my hand. "You don't actually think you can kill me with that, do you?" She asks.

"No. But he can." I say as Damon steps out from the closest and fires a stake at Kathrine which stabs her straight in the back and causes her to cry out in pain as she stumbles forward.

carolines P.O.V

I sit around with Jeremy and Bonnie who is talking to Elena who had suddenly turned up out of the blue when I feel something sharp hit my lower back, making me let out a pained scream as well hearing Elena scream as well. I slump forward on the bench, making bonnie grab me.

What the hell

I reach a hand behind me and pull it forward only to see blood coating my fingers and I can feel blood trickling down my back. Not a second later, I let out another groan as blood starts to trickle down my arm.

"What is going on?" Jeramy questions, panic written in his tone and face, as bonnie kneels down next to elena. "It's Kathrine. She's linked to Kathrine , get them to stop. Now!" Bonnie yells and Jeremy immediately takes off, rushing to where Damon and Stefan are trapped with Kathrine.

why the hell am I feeling this and why can't I feel my self healing it self

Stefan P.O.V

Me and Damon continue to fight with Kathrine as she tries to stake him but I quickly grab her from behind and pull her down to the floor, choking her. Damon quickly rushes over to us, raising his arm and is about to stake her in the heart when someone rushes up to the door.

54. The Masquerade Ball

"STOP!" Jeremy yells in panic, making me and Damon turn to him, looking at him in shock. "You're hurting Elena!" He tells us making me immediately jump up and rush to the door. "Is she okay?" I ask . "No! Everything you're doing to her, you're doing to Elena." Jeremy informs.

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