hunting: chapter 8

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I get woken up from my dreamless sleep by a knock on the door.

after the deal that happened at school I decide to leave and come home which was hard because I wasn't invited in, so i have to call my mum and make her think I lost my key so she could come home and unlock it and tell me to come it, which I thankful she did just that

groan and yawn right after hearing another knock.

I go to the door and open it to reveal an anxious Stefan.

why is he so anxious?

I lean to the door frame and raise an eyebrow. "What do you want Salvatore?"

He clears his throat and opens his mouth to talk.

"Now that you are a vampire, I would like to teach you to hunt and drink animal blood." He speaks.

"I thought I told you I didn't want help, Stefan." I rase my eyes brows

"I know but I just thought because when I first transition, I had no one there, and it was hard I just want someone to be there for you and help you," he says

Man, why does he have to do his puppy innocent eyes?

I roll my eyes and say, "okay you can teach me, but if Damon comes near me, what happens last night will happen again for him" I give him a pointed look

I see Stefan go stiff in the memory of what happen to Damon Gose through his mind " don't worry no Damon and also how are you standing outside your door without a daylight ring but not dying" i look at my arm to see it out in the sun and see no ring

"a daylight ring," i say in confusion

"a daylight ring is what keeps us from burning in the sun," he says in a shock voice while looking at my arms seeing them not burning

"Well made I'm special. I don't know. Are we going to go do this or what?" I tilted my head to the side in questions with a small smile.

Stefan nodes his head. "Yeah okay. We got to go out in the woods" looking down at my feet. "You should put some shoes on first"

I look at my feet and see them bare i look back up at Stefan "give me a minute" I speed around the house and quickly get changed and put shoes on

man, I love being a vampire

and with that they both leave the house

3 p.o.v

out in wood you can see Caroline and Stefan walking round

"So, what do I do when I see the rabbit?" Caroline question Stefan as she only feeds on human before

R.I.P carter

"Chase it, catch it, feed on it," Stefan says while walking beside Caroline

"Isn't killing cute, defenseless animals the first step in becoming a serial killer?" Caroline question in a joking but serious tone.

Stefan laughs and tells Caroline "You sort of skipped serial killer and went straight to the vampire, listen Caroline if you're not serious about this, you should tell me"

Caroline looks at Stefan in disbelief "tell you what, I can't handle being a vampire, Stefan I can't just stop being a vampire"

but all Stefan does is give her raised eyebrows

Caroline stops and stands in front of Stefan after resizing that look. "I am..look, I swear that I am, okay but it's just...." Caroline moves her hands in the air as she is about to rant to Stefan

"I haven't been in the sun for days even thought I can go out and everyone's at the swimming hole and matt is there, and he finally told me he loved me, but I've been blowing him off and now you want me to eat bunnies, and it kind of freaking out, okay?" Caroline sight and look at Stefan only to see him chuckling to himself.

"And now you're laughing at me," Caroline says in an annoyed and sad voice

hearing the sadness in her voice, Stefan tried to deny it "No, I'm not laughing" holding in his laugh "none of this is funny, trust me it's's just that, Hu..." Stefan stop saying anything trying to find the right word to put it, not trying to hurt the newly turn vampire.

seeing he's struggling to say anything, Caroline says "what?"

"When someone becomes a vampire, all of their natural behaviors get sort of, hu, hu, amplified"

Caroline shaking her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, hu, as a human, I cared deeply for people and how they felt and uh, if they were hurting, I felt their pain, and I felt guilty if I caused it and, hu, as a vampire, all of that got...magnified" Stefan tries to tell Caroline while block out all his dark memory

"so, you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure, neurotic control freak on crack," Caroline says

"Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that but..." Stefan seeing Caroline eyes wound in panic in her own mind at the thought of being as she put it, an insecure, neurotic control freak on crack, he tries to snap her out of it, walking up to her and he put a hand on her shoulder

"Hey listen. Let go hunt, okay and then after that we'll go to the swimming hole," Stefan says in a calm tone.

"Really?" Caroline says in a happy tone

"Yeah, matt is the closest connection to your humanity, and I think that being around him is a good thing"

after Stefan says that he watches as Caroline's face lit up with Happiness and excitement, seeing the sight in front of him made his lip lift up into a smile.

"okay" Caroline says with a big smile

"Come on," Stefan says and tilted his head to the side to follow him

Caroline turns her head to the way Stefan Walk off to and whisper to herself, "okay, bunnies"

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