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"Did you keep my trust?"

Sara grinned.


"Wait...WAIT WHAT ?"

"He sure gave a reaction"

"Wait what did he even say?!"

"Oh no, why me. I cut my hair I shouldn't even be looking cute anymore! Are you sure? Like, maybe I'll talk to her, maybe"

"I'm never going to your class again"

"Come on ~ill miss you otherwise"

And Ana ended up going, wearing a mask .

Damn that Suzaku has no shame.
How the hell does he have the guts to come here?

He was also wearing a mask, dripping with shyness.
And quickly went out of the class.
Leaving Ana with an elaborate sigh.


It was evening and Ana was hanging out with Sara .

Finally she'll openly be able to talk about Suzaku.

Turns out he did have a girlfriend.

More depressing conversation and Sara being shocked that Ana's "crush" on a "boy" was so serious.

Like, Ana from then can be serious?
News to Sara.

And depressed, Ana went home.

Eating the fried noodles and chicken nuggets her mom made.

It has been a while, since she had something like that.


Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh nononono.

Ana was clutching the "biology exam papers".

Damn 8/10.


Was she that dumb?
The teacher wrote "use pencil for biology drawing" .
Damn -2 just for that? Kinda cruel.
Ana sighed.
She looked into the mirror after coming home.

"What is beauty without brain"
She thought, twirling a strand of hair.
It reached her shoulders.
Longer than ever.

"Time to say goodbye"


Ana and her mum went to the parlour.

"Any short haircuts will do"

"Ana, don't get boy hair cut again, they look pretty when short but grows super ugly"

"I know "

She was left with a Dora haircut.
Reaching her jaw.

Baby bangs as usual.

Now , the problem might partially be solved.

Short hair
=not pretty hairstyle
= Not pretty
= not overconfidence
= Not going to 4rth floor
= Not seeing "him"
= Her obsession dying out
= Her grades improving

Woah, perfect logic, she's a mathematician after all.

Then a month of boredom passed.
After all, her logic actually worked.
She actually didn't go to the fourth floor.


She was sitting in the classroom.
After all, she doesn't go out much.
Being the centre of attention is weird.
And study of course.

She saw a girl vigorously coming towards her to hug.
She smiled.

Aisha, a classmate.
She's one of the worse students.
But so sweet.

She liked her even when she was fat.
You don't see people like that nowadays.

As they hugged, Aisha sat Infront of her.

Chatting normally with occasional flirting.

When she saw an unfamiliar face.
A short girl.
Very very very short.
Very white too.

She quickly came over,

"So I'm a new student, nice to meet you!"

"Uh,at this time of the year?"

Ana said, standing up.

"Class tests are going on, you'll have trouble you see"

She smiled.

"Wait...no don't wait, follow me instead . I'll find the class rep"

There was no luck in finding Madeleine and ana sighed.

"Sorry, I'm not very accustomed to these situations. So, if you will, go to them "

Ana pointed at a bunch of girls laughing crazily.

Well, normal girls actually.

Ana quickly left.


"Did you hear?"

"Errr, what exactly?"

"The new girl, shukanya! She's a huge pick me. She says she can't get along with girls and dropped all honorifics will boys and stuff!"

Ana loved gossiping.
And Hiya even went to visit this"new girl ".


"Babe, she's something "

"Well, what exactly?"

"She says she transferred from the school next door because her father transferred , Also that she came to get a new boyfriend but no classmate was handsome. I recommended college boys but she said she preferred same age"

"Woah, slow down. She sounds like a bitch though "

"She is a bitch!"

Ana laughed. Who cared? As long as she doesn't ruin her reign.

She ruled the school after all.

Pretty delinquents aren't common.

And boys never liked Ana.
Though she was delicate and girly.
Girls were her thing.

And so far, no girl likes shukanya.
So whatever.

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