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Sara had to tell her Suzakus weight.

Like why?

Ana from then sighed, throwing the plain bread her mum packed as her lunch out.

No Nutella wasting allowed.

Ana sighed again .

It has been a month since she crushed on Suzaku.

Turns out man's a psychopath.

And ana found it damn hot.

Sara wass sick.

So no excuse to go to the 2nd floor.

But she had to see her crush!

She just tagged along with some classmates.

They had crushes too.

Ana was standing.

Can't enter the class today.

Feeling embarrassed .
Or perhaps, exposed.
Maybe isolated was the word?

Like damn,

She was so fat.

BMI 24? For real?

And everyone could see her.

See how fat she was.

As her turbulent thoughts ventured, she eyed Suzaku.

He was adorable.

Then the bells rang.

Of the school.

She slowly returned to her class.

Then it struck her...

Suzaku didn't enter Sara's class for once today.


Sara did come the next day.

Ana did go.

Suzaku entered the class.

He waved a hi to Sara.

Ana went back to class.

As cliché as it could get.

Ana was sitting behind Hiya.

Ana and Hiya from then suddenly got very close.

Laughing about absolute bullshits.

And it was time to go home.

Of course, she walked home with Sara too.

As she was standing, hands in her pockets.

She tilted her head sideways.

The school had two gates .

One opened to the main road to the city.

Another to the campus.

She was from the campus.

Suzaku from outside.

Everyday ana saw him leave.

Today was no exception.

Except he didn't leave.

But made his way towards...


Ana sensed danger and looked up on the 2nd floor.

Sara was coming down.

As she caught Ana's eye, she smirked

"Stay wherever you are"

Like hell !
Ana ran and grabbed Sara.

Yeah cringe.

Then made her way towards the gate.

Sara stood to "hi" Suzaku.

"Ana..." Sara started when Ana pulled her hand.

"Let's go homeeeee~" she jollily said, running out quickly.


After coming a safe distance,

"So, what was up with Suzaku?"

Sara grabbed her waist,
... which didn't exist.

"Oh Ana, I'm so happy for you!"

".... exactly what happened?"

"So after school, his friend came to me to say he wanted to talk.
I was skeptical but still went, and he asked if we leave together"

"Then I saw him coming to youuuuu"

Ana sighed,

"Guess he'll ask me to stay away"

Sara frowned,

"Be more pessimistic!"

She stomped away.

Then came back,

"Tie your hair! And drop those piercings! Wear some normal earrings!"

She stomped away again.



Ana was sitting in her class.

She actually hated the day.
Except the little interaction with shukanya nothing happened.

How can a day be so boring.

It was lunchtime.

Shukanya asked her to go to her section.

But she'll not go anywhere.

Get out of the class and her legs will automatically go to the fourth floor.

She has been crushing on Sebastiano for 4 months.

And it's a record.

Usually by now either she had moved on to another or had gotten in a relationship and broke up.

Ana flipped the theoretical mathematics book.

She loved maths.

But wasn't too good.

She wanted to be a great math something.

Yet she loved chemistry and a chemistry professor sounds awesome.

Yet what about being Darwin's successor?

And isn't the theory of relativity fascinating?

What about the fact that she could recite Shakespeare's works.

And she could manipulate anyone so a detective? Or a psychiatrist? A professor?

Ana snapped out.

She gotta pass 10nth grade first.

She saw Shukanya coming in.

Of course she'll come to Ana.

And put her arms on her bench.

"Let's talk!"

Sure sure she will.

Ana got out and conversed.

What about, she doesn't remember.

Apparently, Shukanya was pansexual.

What the hell is that?


Ana said she crushed on anyone cute.

But no "sexual" .

Like ew.

Apparently she was asexual.

How many sexualities are there bruh.

But they got deep.

This woman might just understand her.

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