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She pulled her hair back into a claw clip and ruffled her gray muffler.

Tugging the arms of her "for 10-12 years old" turtleneck down.

She observed her reflection anxiously .

She didn't look fat from any angle.

So it was okay.

The last two days, school was off.

And any holiday never felt this long.

She was looking at her guitar.

She was unable to sleep.

And a damn kid was always on her mind.

Sure, she was finally gonna see him again and sort her childish feelings out.
She decided to sit on the stairs, their school had three.

The school had four floors and was " U" shaped.

The "L" shaped part was school and "I" college.

Ana's class was on 2nd floor and Rachel's on 4rth.

She always studied in either her class or library.

Last year, both their classes were on fourth floor.

She often sat to read on the stairs of the library.

And the school library was a small room over fourth floor.

She was sitting on a stairs of the corner today.

"White fang " in her hands.

But she had no mind on that.

Come on, she had the perfect view of the school gate.

Won't he come ?

She just wanted to see him.


She sighed and focused on her book.

Random girls coo'ed on her for no reason.

And she " felt" that.

She looked up from her book.


The boy.

The cute one.

Sebastiano Brando.

Her breath hitched.

Or rather, she forgot how to breath.

Her heart ached, her fingers shook.

All from a glance.

Like her, he was wearing a jacket not allowed in school.

Rock stars huh ?

She guessed he used the other stairs as she didn't see him.

Thank god, she would've positively died.

She sat in , burying her face in her book.

Probably blushing.

Wow, so unbelievable.

She was head over heels for a random guy.

Like, literally unbelievable.

Why was she so cheap?

She made her way to her classroom.

Spotting Hiya, she quickly went to her.

She whined, like an annoying child.

"What babe?"

She blurted out,

"I can't sleep?"

"You like him that much?"

Ana coughed.

"You sure you aren't an esper?"

Hiya laughed,

"Come on, you survived Suzaku!"

Then Ana went blabbaring how she was absolutely disgusted of herself.

And how handsome Sebastiano was.

And how Ariana Flores made the situation much worse.

And how , she was hopelessly, absolutely, unreasonably, irrationality, in love with the man.

"Also, I don't know his full name!"

Ana proudly declared.

Hiya might look like a normal person, but she was extraordinary.

It was Ana's childhood dream to be a detective.

And Hiya was living it.

Tell her the first words of someone's name.

She'll find their descendants information.

And after the school ended, she even waited to catch a glimpse after school.

The same reaction.


She was dumb.

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