Vines and roots

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Ana was still dreaming.

Damn, in east Asia, really, middle school crushes are just cringe "did you eat" massage's and stuff.

Damn holding hands are a big move.

And there she was, with her cheeks pinched by her crush.

But she sure was mad tho.

That teacher.

This guy, an absolute pervert.

He was Mr.Oshino.

Someone, who once went to America.

All of his conversations start with.

"That one time I went to America"

Ana was a brilliant effortless student.

And she absolutely refused to acknowledge it .

According to her, who was better than average less than super good grades, she was failing.

She found failing and backbenching cool.

Backbenchers were a trio.

Ayesha, Julie and Masha.

They were flirty sure, but Mr Oshino targeted them disgustingly.

One time Ayesha commented on how his shirt created an illusion and that fat creature has been wearing that for almost half a year now.

And today, he held Julie's hand.

Ana was beyond pissed.

She was gonna do something.


She was sitting in her room.


Her worlds all pink and bubble bubble now.

She was so happy but!

Never trust boys!

Of course she spent a sleepless night.
But as she was going to eat dinner.
She remembered.


He must be in his little room.

No one probably called him to eat.

Her food stuck in her throat.

She swallowed it.

Immediately getting up .

She started to walk.

The food can't be in her body.


She can't explain.

She really can't.

It just doesn't feel right.


Now the situation really was bad.

Hiya wasn't talking to her.

Worse she was talking to the new ugly girl.

The over curious girl with a loose tongue.

Completely delusional.


"Why do sour?" Raya asked her.

Ana sighed.

"Your friend, I don't know why I can't talk with other women when she is literally having an affair"

Raya rolled her eyes.

Ana loved loved loved Raya.

They always knew eachother as fellow classmates.

Ana was overjoyed at third grade to find out that Raya watched anime and listened to K-pop.

Kpop and anime wasn't a worldwide phenomenon then you see.

Ana used to skip to Raya's seat after every class to chirp about ankle to her and Raya just listened like a monk.

Sadly their seats were faaaaar apart.

The short people sat in the leftmost and tall in the rightmost.

As ana was the shortest and Raya was the tallest girl.

When school closed for pandemic, Ana had a genius idea .

There was a cable network only in the university campus.

Four digit numbers only to contact within.

Best part, the old phones didn't show who was calling.

So, one day Ana called Raya anonymously.

Saying she ran out of anime's to watch.

Wanting recommendations.

"You don't know me but I do"

That soon spiralled into atleast calling once a week and forgetting anime's, their conversation spiralled into deep teen talks.

As deep as possible for 10 years old.

Ana did reveal her identity last year.

But the at least once a week call is still going on.

Ana dare says Raya is the one who knows her the most in the world.

Thought they aren't even best friends.


Ana was standing in the veranda.

Of first floor.

No one likes Shukanya.

She can't be seen with her.

Zaylene tagged along.

Some tv programme was gonna be held about the school .

It was raining.

How come people like this wet shit.

She scrunched her nose, feeling a presence beside her.

Flashback to January, when Sebastiano did.

The exact same place.

God, she hadn't seen him in so long.

The presence was Shukanya.

Ana mentally praised her for finding her.

Ana into hiding isn't the most visible thing.

Shukanya loved rain apparently.

Ana said she disliked it, and it wet her pretty hair.

Ana has no pretty hair, she just sold her face again.

It was stringy Dora haircut.

With a toddler clip in the bangs.

The clip didn't hold any hair, it was only for the show.

Shukanya said she loved it.

Ana was glad, she loved compliments.

Suddenly, completely out of subject, Shukanya asked,

"Has anyone ever confessed to you?"

Ana smirked. Perhaps violently.

Is this the holy place where god bestows drama upon her?

Holy Judas!

Ana counted on her knuckles.

"2 days have passed, one day before deadline"

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