𝓛𝓪𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼

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It had been a week.

Maybe , Ana can't remember.

Apparently Sara learnt how to calculate BMI and was vigorously doing so.

Ana's was 24

Sara's was 20

Apparently Suzaku weighted only 53 kg with 5'7"

And that quite triggered Ana.

She was THAT fat?

She sighed.

Suzaku often came to Sara's class.

More than usual.

And Ana was devoted to be "enough " for him.

"Skinny " enough apparently.

It was like any other day.

She was sitting Infront of Sara.

Suzaku was sitting over a bench and....

What the hell.

He was calmly cutting his skin with a blade.

And sucking blood from it.
And recommending his friends to do so too.

Suddenly he jumped beside Sara

"Want a taste?"

Sara smiled "no thanks"

And kept her head unshifted the entire time .


Wasn't she the abnormal one?


"You know, today Suzaku asked if you saw him cutting his skin."

Sara informed her.

"We were talking about entirely different things when he brought you up "

"I was shocked indeed, he looked so like... normal?"

"Well he isn't, I just didn't inform you.
He's a dark web dude and a little bit of crazy "

"Well I am too!"

Ana pretended to be psychotic her whole life.
As the internet romanticised it so much.

This is time her pretending came to use.

"I cut myself too"

Sara raised a brow.


Ana found it.
The singular blade her mum kept.

Her mum was sleeping in another room.

She can do it.

She slowly cut her skin.


She can't manage more than one.

The blood gushed out.

Will this maybe make her lose some weight?


She was sitting in the class sour faced.

Her hair open, lightly grazing her shoulder.

The dora haircut sure is convenient.

That's when Mr Sam entered.

The headmaster.
Who can probably hold the entire class in his belly.
The sweetest guy ever.

And their mathematics teacher.

As for why she was so sour.

It was raining disgustingly.

And ana who happiness skipped last 4 sunny days for no reason, was forced to come to school today by her mum.

And no one, literally no one came.

She was sitting, sprawled over her sit in the front bench.

Skinny girls look elegant in any position.

Vigorously doing maths.

When Mr Sam entered and informed, two sections will be merged today as no sections have enough students.

All the people entered when ana saw an old friend, waving at her.

She sat the sit behind the one exactly beside Ana.

And beside her sat Shukanya.

Talk of the town beside her? Wow.

Ana kept mathing.

Actually it was biology class going on.

Since the teacher was snoring, who cares.

".....my bmr is very less"

"You guys are skinny people"

Dumb shits, bmr depends on height.

".....I told my father he was overweight BMI"
Girls were calculating BMI from the biology book.


Gotta flex.

"Heyyyy calculate mine!"

Ana said. Shukanya was doing the task.

"No way, yours will be very less"

"Hmm last time I checked it was 16 something"


Ana went back to her studies , satisfied.

"Do you watch bl?"

Ana choked

"Doesn't all nerds do?"

"Seen given?"

"Yeah, rewatched most recently"


"One of the favourites"

It was unexpected.
For Shukanya to ask this stuff.

But ana was unable to go back to her studies as Shukanya kept talking.

She talked of her British origin, over love for mathematics and unusually high metabolism.

And soon realised, they were compatible.

Actually compatible.

With her intj personality and high intelligence, she never actually got along with anyone.

Except Madeleine.

And Madeline and her aren't friends.

But this girl,

Might just be as smart as her.

After a Long 35 minutes conversation the girl left.

After a little hesitation,

"You are very cute you know?"

The girl left after saying.

Ana sighed.

Another girl likes her.

The female magnet.

5 more girls and no guys has called her cute from the morning.

The son of a - Sebastiano don't even know her!

How weird life can be.

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