nice to meet you

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As I continued to Finnish the song I saw Steve stand up and turn around. When he clocked eyes with me I felt a huge smile creep up across my face.

Once the song came to an end everyone gave me an applause before continuing with their conversations. I stepped off of the karaoke stage platform and started walking back towards the bar.

"Nice song." Said a voice from behind me.

"My Brother and I used to sing it together." I said turning around to see Steve.

"Is it really you?" He said slowly tearing up.

"It's me!" I said relieved and with tears beginning to roll down my face.
I ran up to him giving him the biggest and tighest hug ever.

"I've missed you y/n." Said Steve stroking my hair.

"I've missed you too Steve." I said not being able to stop myself from smiling.

"How?!" He said still not believing his eyes.

"Same thing as you apparently expect SHIELD wasn't who found me." I said.

"Who?" He asked.

"A man named Dr Oscar Hendren. He ran a camp- it's umm- a very long story. But I mean you look like you're living your dream." I said.

"You might say that." He said laughing.
"You look really beautiful tonight, y/n." He said.

"You're not so bad yourself." I said laughing a little and patting his shirt.

"I see you've met Nat." Said Steve pointing behind me to where Nat was smiling and waving at us from behind the counter.

"I have! She's really cool." I said.

"Want me to introduce you to the others?" He said.

"Mabye in a bit........can we just hang out the 2 of us. You know catch up." I said.

"That would be great." He said.
We walked over towards a little sofa in the corner of the room and sat down.

"So tell me." Said Steve.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"About you. I want to learn anything and everything about my little sis's life." He said.

"Okay well I guess I'll start from when I first got found my Dr Hendren......." I said.
"He trained me for 4 years at a camp called 'Scarlett Alley' as part of something known as 'the x program'. 'the X program' was a course that trained me and 7 other girls to be deadly assassins. I was Dr. Oscar Hendren's best and favourite and everyone knew that. Everyday I would have to shoot at targets and do combat fighting with the other girls. As the years went by it got progressively easier to fight and shoot to the point that I did it a few times with my eyes closed and still won or shot the target.
After 4 years of being there, I escaped and after a year of not being there it got shut down by the government.
It's been around 3 years since I was in that camp and have been doing my own missions to help defeat the shitty people in this word." I said.

"Wow. I'm sorry. Nat went through a similar thing in the red room mabye you guys should talk about it sometime." He said.

"Yeah great idea. Make 2 people discuss about their trauma and compare it. Sounds perfect." I said sarcasticly.

"Yeah no okay maybe that wasn't the best idea." He said.

"No way! Really?!" I said.

"You know you are still just as sarcastic as you used to be." Steve said laughing.

"Well you're just as helpless with your fashion as you used to be." I said laughing.

"Hey! I ironed this shirt!" He said.

"Oh okay I take it all back! You're nearly as helpless with your fashion as you used to be." I said laughing.

"Fine mabye I'm not very good at the whole fashion thing." He said.

"Mhm." I said laughing.

"Okay what else?" He asked.

"Well I live in an apartment just outside Brooklyn and it's not too far away from my best friend's house." I said.

"Awh! My baby sis is making friends all by herself now!" He said.

"You do realise I'm 21, technically 104!" I said.

"You're always going to be my baby sis." He said smiling at me.

"I want you to meet her in a bit. Her name is Sienna and she is literally amazing!" I said.

"I'm sure I'll love her." He said.

"What about you? I know you're this big shot superhero now..." I said.

"Yup. I got this serum and am now fast and strong. I have this freakishly strong shield and this suit." He said.

"I know I nearly burst out in laughter when I saw your suit! Once again another piece of evidence to my fashion statement." I said.

"Excuse you. You're talking to Captain America." He said.

"I heard people calling you America's ass." I said.

"Yeah well my ass is famous what can I say." He said laughing.

"I've really missed you Steve." I said hugging him again.

"I've missed you too kiddo." He said.

"Y/n I need to borrow your phone mine died." Said Sienna coming over to us.

"Sure." I said reaching into a pocket from my dress and pulling out my phone.
"Steve this is my best friend Sienna. Sienna this is my brother Steve." I said I introducing them and passing Sienna my phone.

"It's nice to meet you." Said Steve smiling at Sienna.

"Mhm nice to meet you too. Sorry but I really gotta make a call. There is some work problem at the school that I need to fix. Excuse me." Said Sienna leaving as politely as she could.

"She is a primary school teacher. Duty calls I guess. You can talk to her another day." I said.

"She seemed sweet none the less." Steve said.
"You ready to meet the rest of the Avengers?" He asked.

"Sure...." I said smiling and we stood up from our sofa walking over to the opposite side of the room to where Steve's friends were.

"Steve! what do you think would happen if-" Said Thor.

"I don't mean to interrupt the fun....." Said Steve.
"But I have someone to introduce to you all....." he said before moving aside to reveal me walking at the speed of a snail through the crowd in my heels towards them.

"Y/n?" Said a man as he stood up and stared at me.

"Holy shit! Bucky!" I said excited running over to Bucky and jumping into a hug. He spun me around before letting me go.
"You're still alive too?!" I said excited.

"Suprise!" He said smiling at me.
"And you're still alive!!!" he said.

"Hi!!!" I said giving him another hug.
"Steve you didn't tell me he was alive too!" I said turning my attention back to Steve.

"Y/n was it?" Said a female voice.

"Yes, sorry, hi everyone! My name is
y/n. I'm Steve's little sister." I said.

"You have a sister?" Tony asked Steve.

"I do." Steve said.

"I'm Wanda nice to meet you." Said the girl.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said smiling.

"Is it alright if I hug you? I'm kind of a hugger." I said.

"Sure!" Said Wanda laughing a bit.

"How old are you? I'm assuming similar to Steve." Asked Tony.

"Biologically I'm 104 however I'm technically 21." I said.

"You're very hot for a 104 year old." Said another male.
"I'm Thor by the way. God of thunder." He said winking at me.

"Charming." I said not interested in flirting with him. He was not my type.

"Thor! That's my sister you're talking to!" Said Steve yelling at Thor.

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