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Bucky's pov:

Me and Steve stood in the kitchen while we watched y/n on the sofa mouthing her way along to the introduction of gossip girl.

"Buck I literally just realised something!" He whisper shouted.

"What?" I whisper shouted back.

"It's her birthday tomorrow!" He whisper shouted.

"Oh shit you're right it is!" I whisper shouted back as I saw Steve get all annoyed and frustrated because I said shit.

"Guys!" I heard y/n shout from the couch.

"Yeah?" Steve yelled back.

"Unless you want me to move from this couch please can one of you get me a cup of coffee to drink?" She yelled.

"Yup on it don't move!" Steve yelled before he walked around the kitchen beginning to prepare her coffee.

"Buck I think I have a plan for her birthday tomorrow...." Steve said to me.

"Care to expand on what your plan is?" I said jokingly.

"Yeah yeah." Steve said laughing.
"Okay so I gather that as much as we both deny it she has actually changed a lot, so I was thinking who would know what y/n likes?" Steve began.

"Her best friend!" I whisper shouted.

"Yep! So I thought that I already know Sienna works at a primary school but I don't know which one. So......." Steve said.

"So you're going to ask stark to attempt to find out where Sienna works and go visit her?" I guessed sounding pretty good about the plan we were creating so far.

"Exactly!" Steve whisper shouted as he walked away from the kitchen and bringing y/n her cup of coffee as requested.
"Friday?" Steve said.

"Hello Captain Rogers, how can I help you?" Said the AI.

"Please can you send Wanda and Nat to the kitchen?" Steve asked.

"She is on her way." Replied the AI.

I looked at Steve confused before she informed me that we couldn't leave y/n alone so he thought she would enjoy the company of the girls and they could all become good friends.

Soon after Steve explained this the doors opened and Wanda and Nat entered looking confused.

"Friday said you wanted us?" Wanda said.

"Yeah. Me and buck have important birthday planning business to go take care of for y/n's birthday tomorrow and we need you to stay here with y/n and make sure she doesn't move from that couch." Steve instructed.

"Okay but why can't she move from the couch?" Nat said.

"She is injured and literally just was in the floor not being able to stand because of it. Please do not let her move from the couch!" Steve said getting more serious.

"Injured?!" Wanda asked.

"Yeah. She got shot yesterday in her hip." I explained.

"How did she get shot?" Nat asked.

"Look we could do this all day, long story short y/n is an assassin like us but instead of working for SHIELD she works for herself. She got shot, collapsed a few minutes ago and you guys need to make sure she doesn't move from that couch!" Steve said seriously.

"Got it." Nat said before her and Wanda both walked over to the couch where
y/n was sat.
"Gossip girl!!! I love gossip girl!!!" Nat said excitedly joining y/n on the couch.

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