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The following morning I woke up in my bed with popcorn scattered everywhere and an empty space next to me as if someone else had been sleeping there.

It took me a few seconds to remember what had happened the night before. Here is the rundown.
I had a movie night with Bucky and we were messing around with the popcorn and then the next thing I know we were making out. I could see Bucky's shirt on the other side of the room and my shirt next to my side of the bed from when we took them off however, from what I remembered last night was just intensely making out and nothing more.

After retracing my steps from last night over in my head I snapped back to reality and tried to conquer the current situation. Bucky was no longer here. Where did he go? Did he wake up and regret everything so he just left without saying anything because he didn't want it to be awkward? And if that was the case he didn't think it through because when I see him later on in the day or something it will indeed be awkward! Or maybe did he just go to the toilet and was planning on coming back to bed before I woke up.

I looked at my bathroom. The door was wide open and the light was turned off. He definitely didn't go to the bathroom then.

Or he probably woke up thought that he should leave before someone else walks in and sees the fact that we were both shirtless and in the same bed.
Speaking of him being shirtless his shirt was still on the floor so he couldn't have just left. Unless he just forgot it in a hassle..........Oh my god! This is hopeless! I just need to face the fact that he most probably just regretted it and left.

I decided to have a shower and try and clear my mind for a tiny bit so I climbed out of my bed and walked over to the bathroom.

"Friday please can you play my playlist?" I asked the AI.

"Of course miss Rogers." Replied the AI before my music started playing.

I stripped what I had left of my clothes off and stepped into the shower.

I started to sing along to all the words of the song as the water rushed over me. I washed my body and my hair and drew cute little doodles on the glass door before rubbing them away by splashing them with water.

Once I was finnished in the shower I got out and wrapped a towel around my body before going over to my closet.

As much as I tried to get Bucky out of my head he was glued there. No matter how hard I tried to think of something else he just kept appearing again. I selected an outfit that felt confident and cute and put it to the side for later because right now I needed to do some training. I changed into my workout outfit and folded up Bucky's shirt (putting it on a chair so it wasn't just lying in the floor) before leaving.

 I changed into my workout outfit and folded up Bucky's shirt (putting it on a chair so it wasn't just lying in the floor) before leaving

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I went down to the kitchen because that is where everyone normally was and to my relief they were.

"Morning trainee you ready to start training?" I said walking over to Kate feeling very relieved Bucky wasn't in the room.

"Yeah sure!" Kate said smiling once she saw me.

"Amazing. I'm just going to grab some water and then we can get started." I said walking over to the cabinets and taking out the water bottle with my name on it.

Once that was sorted me and Kate walked out of the room together talking and headed down towards the gym.
Nobody was using the gym at that moment which was great.

"Okay firstly I just want you to show me what you can do and then we will go from there. Let's start by some light sparring." I said.

"Yeah umm okay." She said.

I began by throwing a punch at her forehead which she ducked under it. She then threw a punch towards me but I blocked it. She aimed a side kick towards my stomach and I grabbed her leg before she hit me flipping her backwards into the floor.

"I think I can tell what you need to work on the most so let's start with those. I noticed your reflexes are ever so slightly too slow so we are going to do a few exercises to improve it." I said.

"Sounds good." She said smiling.

I set up the machine that throws sponge balls out of it for her to try and catch on the opposite side of the room. I pushed the button which put the light on outside the room so others knew not to enter and we began.

For the first 6 minutes or so she wasn't catching any balls but after a while she started to catch a few. As time progressed even more she was catching the majority and by the end of the session she was catching every single one.

"I did it!" She yelled proud of herself.

"Good job. Next session I want to try sparring again and see if anything has improved." I said switching off the light outside of the room so people could enter.

After I went over the different points I needed to I sent Kate off to continue with her day and I was in the mood for doing some dancing so I played a song and began to dance. It was a dance that I had practiced for years in end with this song and I was extremely good at. All the twisting, spinning and bending my body in different ways, while keeping in time with the music and moving my hips as I felt the vibrations travel through my body.

I felt on top of the world as I glided across the room showing all my emotions through my movements and performing the dance with no mistakes.

When the song finnished I went over to my water bottle and took a big sip of it before trying to catch my breath.

Clap! Clap! Clap!
I was so out of breaths Nd tired that I hadn't even noticed someone had entered the room and was watching me.
"You're a natural sis!" Steve said.

"Thanks!" I said.

"I saw you dancing at your party but that was a whole other thing! It was really impressive!" Steve said.

"Thank you!" I said.
"I was just leaving so don't worry you won't have to share the space." I said laughing.

"Oh don't worry about it, I have to share it with Buck anyway." Steve said and almost a sif they had planned it Bucky entered the room.

"Hi." Bucky said smiling at me.

"Hi." I said.

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