the newbie

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"I need to pull my brother away for a tiny bit I hope that's okay." I said entering the room again and pulling Steve's arm to stand up and follow me.
Honestly at this point it probably looks like I'm interrogating everyone one by one but who cares.
"Steve." I said.

"Y/n." He replied.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" I asked him.

"No you stole Bucky from me." Steve said.

"Oh shut it. Me and Bucky are watching a movie that you don't like. And I happen to know somebody who has no idea what to do tonight either." I said.
"Since you have nothing to do tonight and neither does Nat how about you try and play some Mario kart with her on the Nintendo that Tiny bought for the team." I said.

"I don't know." He said.

"Why the hell not?! Nat is amazing!" I said.

"I know she is.........Y/n can I trust you?" Steve said.

"No." I said laughing. He stared at me.
"Kidding! I was kidding! Your face was funny. Yes you can trust me. I'm your sister." I said laughing.

"I think I have a crush on Nat." Steve said.

"No fucking way!" I said.

"Language!" Steve yelled.

"Oh shut it, I can say all the fucks and shits I want. I'm a grown ass woman." I said.

"Sorry it just kind of fell out." He said laughing at himself.

"Wait so you like Nat?" I said excited.

"Yeah.......has she ever said anything about me?" He asked.

"She didn't have to. It's so obvious you guys liked each other before you even told me." I said.

"Wait she told you she liked me?!" He said.

"Yup." I said.

"So you told me to invite her on a Mario kart date?" He said.

"Hey Mario kart is fun! Nat likes it. So deal with it." He said.

Steve just laughed and patted me in the arm before leaving the hallway and going back into the kitchen with everyone.

I followed him shortly after and saw him and Nat chatting to each other at the island alone while the rest of the group was sat over by the couches.

I decided that I should probably get some training in because I don't know when I will next have a mission.

I went to my bedroom before changing into a pair of leggings and sports bra. I put my hair into a ponytail a md went down to the training room. The training room was empty.

I prepared the space so I had a punching bag hanging up, a machine that was flying some sponge balls towards me that I could practice dodging and 10 shooting targets around the room that I was going to shoot with the gun I placed on a table

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I prepared the space so I had a punching bag hanging up, a machine that was flying some sponge balls towards me that I could practice dodging and 10 shooting targets around the room that I was going to shoot with the gun I placed on a table. I pushed the button which put a light on outside the room so others knew not to enter. I connected my phone to the speaker in the corner of the room and started playing some music.

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