Chapter 47: Prison Break

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As night descended over the Capital City, two figures emerged silently on the roof of a skyscraper.

"Are you sure you can do this alone?" Ophelia asked Kyla one last time, as the two overlooked the Hero League Headquarters.

"Sure? Pfft!" Kyla laughed at her friend's question. "I am the youngest member to get accepted into the Beastmen Warriors. I can do this rescue mission in my sleep."

"Alright. And make sure you rescue Amara without having your cover blown. Otherwise, we both won't be able to go back to the Academy." Ophelia once again reminded her about the importance of their mission.

A few weeks ago, the Humans had detected the Elves trespassing in their Dungeon and had captured one of them for information. She had been locked up in the League prison, being interrogated for information until now.

Fortunately, with her Moon-based Assassin powers, Amara was able to resist the Interrogation Skills of the Leagues' Heroes.

Having exhausted their current resources, The League was now relocating her to a special prison, designed to contain and interrogate the Fallen and other Awakened criminals. The interrogators there were much stronger than the ones at the Headquarters, so the League was hoping to force into her memories and directly access the information.

That is why, tonight Kyla and Ophelia were dispatched to rescue Amara before she can be transported to the special prison tomorrow.

Kyla pulled a ski mask over her head.

"Is that necessary?" Ophelia raised an eyebrow at her friend's questionable tastes.

"WHAT?! We obviously got to go with cliches when committing a crime." Kyla looked at her as if she was the weird one. There was a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Is that so?" Ophelia glanced at the rest of Kyla's clothes. With her sports bra and shorts, she looked like she was going to the gym instead of trying to break out a prisoner.

"If there's any problem while finding Amara, just send me a messenger butterfly. I will pause time so that you guys can get out safely." Though to be honest, she doubted there was any need.

Her friend may be overconfident, but it wasn't unwarranted. The League won't know what will hit her.

"Be right back." Kyla winked, giving her a two-fingered salute, as she free-falled from the roof.

"Guess I will have to just wait here for now." Ophelia opened her smartwatch to pass the time. Unexpectedly, her messenger was flooded with messages from their friend and classmate at the Academy, Miyu.

They had given her the slip at night to do this mission, and it seemed like she mistook it for the two of them hanging out without her.

"Where are you guys?!!"
"You guys left me alone again!!!! \(〇_o)/"
">︿<You guys are having fun without me, aren't you?"
"You promised you won't do this again!!!"
"WAHHHHHH!! (┬┬﹏┬┬)"

Ophelia quickly responded, knowing that the messages wouldn't stop unless she did so.

"Sorry...Something came up."
"We had to go back quickly..."
"I promise to make it up to you later..."

'Let's just hope this mission gets over successfully.'


Back on Indigo Street, the lights in the underground were on. After dinner, Ray had told everyone not to disturb him as he would be busy with some research.

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