Chapter 55: Wanna Be My Friend

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Rohan was never what you call a social butterfly.

He was friends with a few people in his class and dorm, but other than that, he would always prefer to be alone.

And there was a very logical reason for that.

The ghosts that usually haunted him would keep talking to him. Rohan understood that they were just lonely beings who couldn't interact with the living, so he would often accommodate their wishes. This, unfortunately, left his social battery drained 24/7.

Not to mention, their way of asking for "favors" was rather vicious, sometimes outright gangster-ly.

Every night he went to sleep, it was a battle of wills since there would be some ghost or another who would try to possess his body.

And the somewhat friendlier ghosts would just watch him suffer from the sidelines, greedy for an opportunity to enter the physical realm.

That is why he had no intention of removing the Skill-sealing amulet ever again.

"So, you are a student at the Star Academy? Why did you leave?" The tanned, muscular boy in front of him asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

At the moment, Rohan was talking with Mike and Isabella, whom Professor Ray had introduced to him.

They were about a year or two younger than him, probably ready to take the entrance exams for various academies. And unlike Rohan, they were extremely chatty.

Though from the circumstances, it seemed that they were also going to be a part of this "world-saving team" or whatever, his mom had told him about.

Like, seriously! His mom had always been a servant of Fate and would make him do things without explaining, so he was used to her.

But he had at least expected a proper explanation from the Professor. In the class, he seemed like a responsible teacher who knew what he was doing, but even he had just left Rohan to fend off for himself.

"I didn't feel like I was learning anything. Maybe I am just too weak." Rohan finally decided to answer, seeing Mike pester him so much.

Usually, Rohan would have preferred not to answer this question. The past few days he had stayed at his house, many of the neighbours had asked him about his decision. And he could see the ridicule in every one of their eyes as if they couldn't even care to hide it.

But this boy seemed sincerely curious, not a hint of scorn in his eyes. So he decided to be truthful.

"So you will be practicing with us? Great!" Instead of showing disdain for Rohan's cowardice, the young boy instead seemed glad that he had a new friend. "By the way, I use swords. What kind of weapon do you use?"

Glancing at Mike's protruding muscles, Rohan couldn't help but feel envious, checking out his own skinny arms. "...I use the staff."

He answered in a weak voice.

"That sounds cool. I can't wait to see your moves." Mike still seemed enthusiastic upon hearing his reply.

"I use the bow, if you were wondering." The girl, who had been sitting silently behind Mike previously, finally spoke.

'So she's the Professor's younger sister.'

Although her hair was black and her features a bit softer than the Professor's, those sharp blue eyes...Rohan could definitely see they were siblings.

"I have something to ask... Professor Ray kind of missed out on telling me what we are going to be doing, so... if you guys can fill me out on that." Rohan decided to ask Mike, who seemed the easiest to open up.

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