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Song of the chapter: Machines - Crown The Empire {♡}


- Andy's POV -

I was woken up by loud pounding at the door. I rubbed my eyes and made my way to the door. I blinked a couple of times to get used to the lights in the hallway.

"Vic?" I said my voice sounding groggy.

"Good morning." he said with a smile. I motioned for him to come in, he sat on my bed as I went over to the curtain and opened it. "Sorry if I woke you up, I figured you'd be up by now." he said.

"It's okay, what time is it?" I asked.

"11:20." Vic said.

"Anyways, what do I owe this wonderful surprise too?" I said with a grin.

"We, are going on an adventure. For the remaining three days of the break you and I, and some of my friends wil go on some fun adventures." he said happily. "But first, you my friend need a shower. You reek."

He was right, I started grabbing some clothes and other shower necessities. "Uh Vic, where's the shower?" I asked.

"Oh! I didn't show you where that was yesterday, I knew I was forgetting something. C'mon I'll show you." he said as he stood up and walked to the door. I followed and closed the door behind me. All the way at the end of the hallway was a door that looked like a bathrooms door. "Just go on in, I doubt there's anyone there right now."

"Yea, remember last time you said that." I said arching my eyebrow at him.

"Shut up, I'll be back in your room." he said as he turned and left. I slowly opened the door and peered inside before fully opening the door. There were six shower stalls in four rows. Almost like a prison, I thought. No, this had walls amd curtains separating each stall, a prison was much more exposed, I think. I made my way to a shower in the back, I put my clothes on a hamper at the side of the stall. I turned on the shower, freezing water came out making me jump. I got used to it and went on with my shower.


I stood fully dressed infront of a mirror, trying to get my hair to do what I wanted. But it had a mind of its own. The door suddenly burst open and in came Kellin, dressed in boxer shorts and a t-shirt.

"Biersack." he said as he nodded at me and stood in the mirror next to the one I was at. "So, I heard you spent the night with Vic at a hotel. Alone."

"Nothing happened if that's what you're wondering. I don't see why you'd care though. I  heard that you two had a fallout that didn't end well." I said as I gave up with my hair and started gathering my stuff.

"Watch yourself." Kellin said as I walked out. I decided Vic didn't have to know about all that. I walked down the hallway and into my room where Vic was laying on my bed singing softly to himself.

"Finally," Vic said as he notice me walk in. "I started to think you drowned or something." he said with a laugh. I gave him a goofy smile and threw my clothes into the hamper next to my bed.

"We, are going to meet some more of our friends. Show you around town a little bit." he said standing up from my bed.

"Sounds fun, just let me grab my phone." I said. I got that and my wallet and we walked out. We were out of the building and infront of the quad.

"There they are." Vic said pointing to a bench near a tree. We walked over and I tried to make out who they were. There were two girls I couldn't make out.

"Vic!" exclaimed a tall, short haired girl wearing a flannel and a Metallica shirt under that, the front of her hair dyed a light blue. She ran over to us and hugged Vic. "You get shorter everytime I see you." she joked.

"Oh shut up, don't tease me, I'm sensitive." Vic said pretending to cry.

"You know you love it when I tease you." she said as another girl wearing a Red Hot Chilli Peppers shirt with a skirt and over the knee socks approached us. She had her hair dyed one half a dark purple shade and the other a dark black. She smiled cheerily at me and waved.

"Is this him?" the taller one said to Vic.

"He can hear you y'know." Vic said rolling his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Fiona. I like your shirt." she said as she gave me a smile and pointed to my Nirvana t-shirt

"Hi, I'm Ronni, short for Veronica." she said as she gave me a smile.

"These little dip shits are the most annoying people ever. But I love them." Vic said. Fiona and Ronni pretended to be offended but then laughed.

"Hi, I'm uh Andy." I said.

"You don't need to be scared or whatever by us." Ronni said.

"Yea, we won't run you over or anything." Fiona said eyeing Vic. Ronni and Fiona gave each other a look and walked back to the bench.

"Jesus Christ, I should tell you how I met them." Vic said as he started walking over to the bench.

"On my first day of senior year here, these children," he said pointing at Ronni and Fiona. "They decided it would've been nice to ride their skateboards out here. Even though the school has a strict no skateboarding on campus policy. I was minding my own business when out of nowhere came these two at full speed. We collided and oh God, I've never felt anything worse. Fiona hit me head on and Ronni followed making it worse." Vic said.

"You make it sound like it was all our fault." Fiona said with a pout.

"Vic please, you could've moved." said Ronni.

"But aren't you glad I didn't? Anyways, after that they apologized countless times and we became friends." Vic said.

"We're juniors by the way, so you won't see much of us either. Unless we cause havoc." Ronni said giving Fiona another look.

"Anyways, are you guys ready?" Fiona asked. 

"Yea, Andy?" Vic asked. I nodded. Ronni and Fiona went behind the big tree and they each had two penny boards in their hands. Alexus handed one to Vic and kept the other.

"Do you know how?" Fiona asked holding one out at me. I nodded and took it.

"We gotta wait until we get off campus to start riding." Vic said as he started to walk away. I followed, Ronni and Fiona were already ahead of us, clearly excited for what we were doing today.


{ yo , I know this is shorter than usual but from now on I'll probably update every other day, if possible still everyday though. I'm also writing a story with my friend arcticparadise1 . you should check that out , it's called tangled in the great escape . if you like Halsey / PVRIS I'd recommend 10/10 .
peace, homosexuality, drink coffee.

- Ana }

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