Shadow's Big Break

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Shadow was at Prison Island relaxing in his cell. Security official Howard Watcher narrated as several shots of the island were shown, showcasing the various security gadgets.

"Shadow's in the underwater isolation cell. It's impossible to escape from there, and even if he could, where's he gonna go once he breaks out? Prison Island is surrounded by the sea. There's no land for miles, and everybody knows Shadow ain't no swimmer. We got guards keepin' lookout in the towers twenty-four hours a day, and the laser alarms will go off the second they detect the slightest movement. The entire prison is wired with surveillance cameras, metal detectors, and sound monitors. Not even a fly could escape from here! This place was built to hold the toughest crooks in the world, but in all the years that Prison Island's been in business, there hasn't been one single colitary breakout! Hope Shadow likes it here, 'cause he ain't leavin'!" Howard said and laughed then pointed to the image of Shadow on the screen. "Don't think of pullin' any funny stuff while I'm on duty, 'cause I got my eye on you, Shadow!" he said and laughed again.

"I'm sure Shadow is innocent, but there's nothing I can do to help him." Security guard said to himself.

In Shadow's cell.

"Oh well. If I can't get outta here, I might as well kick back and relax." Shadow said.

On Tanaka's boat.

"We are still quite far from Prison Island, but we can't take this motorboat any closer because of their radar. Their security systems are so advanced that they would spot us long before we reach the coast, and if they do detect us, they well send out armed boats to intercept and arrest us." Tanaka said.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Chris asked.

"Luckily, I've thought of a way to thwart their system. It is high-tech, so we will fool it using my low-tech solution." he said as his glasses shone.

Then the boat deployed a swan boat.

"They'll be looking for motorboats, so this paddle boat will let us duck under their radar." he said.

"Hm..." Chris said and they board the swan boat and started pedaling. "I don't know about this, Mr. Tanaka. I feel kinda goofy."

"We can make it. We just have to paddle faster." he said and they pedaled faster toward Prison Island.

Inside Prison Island two security guards detected the swan boat moving erratically toward them.

"Sir, somebody is heading toward the island." Security Guard 1 said.

"Really?" Security Guard 2 said.

"It looks like a giant... duck, sir."

"That's no bird. It's a boat. Somebody's trying to sneak onto the island. They think they've fooled us, but I'll make sure they're sunk before they reach land."

"Do you really think a paddle boat poses that much of a threat?"

"Who knows? It's better to destroy 'em first and ask questions later."

Outside Prison Island Eggman arrived in his Eggmobile and laughed.

He pressed a button which disrupted the TV screens' signals, turning them to static.

Outside Eggman arrived in his Eggmobile laughing.

Then he pressed a button disrupting the TV screens' signals, turning them to static.

"What? Whoa, what? Sound the alarm! We can't, sir. The system's going haywire! Call the cell blocks! They're jamming our communications! It's an attack!" Security Guards said.

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