Robotnik's Revenge

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Mr. Stewart parked his car outside the senior's home, and both he and Scarlet Garcia got out. Scarlet walked up to a few elderly people on the front porch.

"Excuse me. I'm Scarlet Garcia from SSTV News." Scarlet said.

On Space Colony ARK computer room as the shuttle entered space, Sonic spoke to Eggman on the computer's screen.

"Looks like your boys really goofed, didn't they, Doc?" she said.

"None of your business!" Eggman said.

"Fine. Let's launch the counterattack. How about giving me the password for the colony?"

M-A-R-I-A. "Maria". That's the magic word. Meanwhile, I'll be standing by on Crazy Gadget." he said and vanished from the screen.

"Fooling that old fool oughta be a snap. All right, let's start hacking." she said and entered the password. "Maria. M-A-R-I-A. Let's see what pops up here." she said and boxes appeared on the screen. "Come on, come on..." she said and found an entry on Project Silver. "Ah, here we are. Project Silver: top secret. Sounds exciting. "The ultimate creature development project." Sure sounds juicy to me... "Silver... Sealed off...?" But how? If that's true... then who's he?"

'That's a lie. There's only me, Shadow and Silver. Shadow got away, I gave myself up and Silver was put to sleep.' she thought.

Meanwhile Silver was looking out the viewport, while a sad Chris was sitting next to him. Shadow's shuttle was soon visible among the asteroids outside.

"Here comes your friend." Silver said.

Excited, Chris stood up and looked out the window.

"You mean Shadow?" he said.

"He'd be a fool to challenge me."

"You're the fool, not Shadow!"

"You'll see I'm right. This is one battle your friend cannot win."

Chris was silent as they looked out the window.

Mr. Stewart and Scarlet were at the senior's home speaking with Mr. Schmitz, a former GUN soldier.

"Reporter, I have nothing to say to you. I just want to be left alone!" Mr. Schmitz said.

"We don't want to trouble you, sir, We'd simply want to ask you a couple of questions." Scarlet said.

"Can you tell us what happened on Space Colony ARK fifth years ago?" Mr. Stewart asked.

"...Nothing happened." Mr. Schmitz said.

"I understand your reluctance to talk about it, sir, but you were there when it occurred, and we need to find out all that we can? Please, sir. I need to know." Scarlet said.

"You don't have any idea what you're getting involved in, young lady. Just leave it alone before you stir up trouble." he said. "What you're investigating is much more dangerous than you know! I won't answer any of your questions and that's that!"

"Please sir, you've just got to tell us what happened! You're the only survivor. Everyone else was... lost. ...Even my father... I'm begging you, please tell us! You owe it to the memory of all those innocent people!"

Mr. Stewart placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Scarlet." he said and shook his head.

Soon, Scarlet and Mr. Stewart headed back to the car.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't very professional of me." Scarlet said.

"You don't have to apologize. It must bring up a lot of painful memories for you." Mr. Stewart said.

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