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Frozen. As I stood in the doorway, I didn't know what to do. My mind was blank, and I couldn't muster the strength to move or speak.

The tall figure turned to the doorway, I knew that face, I had watched him play guitar on stage an hour ago. He brushed his hand through his blonde hair. His piercing blue eyes stared into my soul as if he were looking straight through me. His large grin across his face sent shivers down my spine.

My eyes darted back down to Noah's motionless body on the ground.

Time seemed to stand still as I struggled to process the situation, my mind racing with a million thoughts, I couldn't seem to make sense of any of them.

What was happening? Why was Noah here? Why was Niall attacking him? And why did Harry seem so determined to keep me from this room?

I instinctively tried to take a step forward but I felt a strong grip on my arm pulling me back. I turned to face Harry, as I looked into his eyes they were no longer soft and caring, they were now replaced with darkness.

"Let go," I mumbled, feeling helpless. He just shook his head. Despite my attempts to free myself from his only growing stronger grip. I tried to fight back the tears in my eyes.
"Please, Harry," I said weakly. Harry's face stayed emotionless.
"No." Harry said coldly. I tried to read his features.

"He's getting what he deserves" I stared at him in disbelief.
"What.." was the only thing that left my mouth.
"He treats women like shit, and he can't just get away with it." He continued, sinisterly.

"Like you said outside he's a dick." His words took me back to earlier when I had opened up to him about me and Noah's relationship.
I shook my head, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Just because he's a bit of a dick, doesn't mean violence is the answer!" My voice raised slightly.
He just smirked at me, revealing the dimples on his cheeks.

"He had to be taught, and this is the only way I could teach him." his words ran in between my ears. I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek.
"You did this?" my voice trembled, not wanting to know the answer.

He nodded, confirming my suspicions.

"Well, I only started it, Niall just wanted to help." He chuckled slightly, as he looked over to Niall.
His amusement only made me feel sick to my stomach. How could he do this? And why did he think it was okay?
"It's not right." I protested weakly.
"Who cares if it's 'not right'. It's my way of doing things." He shrugged.
"You're evil." I muttered under my breath.

"You have no idea."

I managed to break free from his grasp and push past him making my way through to the hallway, fumbling around in my bag for my phone. My hands shaking.

I frantically walked through the halls, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to call an ambulance on my phone, but the call wouldn't go through, looking at the screen that read.

no signal.

"Fuck sake," I said under my breath.
I heard the sounds of footsteps echoing behind me, I looked up to see two figures following through the hallway. Their presence felt suffocating. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized them.

Zayn and Louis.

Dread washed over me like a tidal wave as they approached, Louis's blue eyes burning through my soul. Instinctively, I took a step back, my pulse racing with fear.

"Can't get through, huh?" Zayn's voice taunted me from behind me. He took a step forward and ripped the phone out of my hand.
"Looks like you're out of moves, sweetheart," Louis spoke up, a grin lingering on his face.

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